I would like to see a "No Boot" on Turn 1. Too many use this to cheaply get out of a game when they do not like their starting position. Then everyone votes to end. Either play what you get or surrender. Period. Make it so it is always surrender on turn 1.
To prevent people from just surrendering during picks if they dont like the game, fizzer made it so that you cannot surrender during picks. As a result of that, people now just wait to get booted.
As for boots turning into surrenders, what would that solve at all?
You can only boot after the time runs out, and then they get kicked. Since both boot and surrender kick someone from a game, I dont see any reason why it would not boot them. A boot is more impactful on a players stats then a surrender. Not kicking slow players to wait for their surrender is not an option either, since it would only make turn 1 last even longer.
I understand that booters in turn 0 or 1 is very annoying, so maybe Fizzer could put a bootrate prereq on QM templates. Those prereqs should be on either only the templates after the 6 default templates, or only the team games or something along those lines, to make sure player can always play a template to get their bootrate down again once they improved their behavior.
Another solution would be to take bootrate into account when matching players, so its high bootrate vs high bootrate (that will teach the player that has to wait how annoying it is to have to wait for some to get booted as well).