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Do alloy/item recipes change level to level?: 2020-12-12 18:22:57

Level 57
At first it seemed like they were pretty consistent, or almost the same recipes. At one point I thought one had changed, but I wasn’t sure.

Now I am sure I noticed at least 2 change. Two levels before my current, the Thorium bar recipe used gold and thorium, and then it switched to Zinc instead of Gold on my last level.

The current level, I just found that the barbed wire recipe now uses copper wire and copper bars instead of copper and tin bars.

Can it technically different every level? Or are they just getting rebalanced when I start new levels?

Mostly wondering because I don’t want to sell off items I assume I don’t need based on previous recipes.
Do alloy/item recipes change level to level?: 2020-12-12 20:44:19

Level 35
Two things possible: you played on old version of map and began to play on new version (check blog to get info about when new patch is applied with map re-generating https://www.warzone.com/Community) or it is really different for some maps.

I have never seen any difference in recipes, always were the same for me on every map I played, they change cost of materials to create, but not the material itself. Maybe it is because I still play on old version of maps, because began multilevel 2 maps on patch before re-generating and battles coming live...
Do alloy/item recipes change level to level?: 2020-12-13 19:56:12

Level 57
Ahh, I see, it does say something in a few of the updates about recipes, and specifically it says crafters were adjusted to not always pick the cheapest ingredients.

And yes apparently when it updates while you’re already on a level, you still play on the old version with old recipes
Do alloy/item recipes change level to level?: 2020-12-14 03:22:30

Level 56
I have had recipes change at least three times between levels that I've noticed. I think barbed wire requiring copper wire is the most recent. At least some of these have had an update occur in between but I'm not 100% sure it was true every time.
Do alloy/item recipes change level to level?: 2020-12-14 04:52:18

Level 65
They have definitely changed for me map to map. I could be wrong, but don't think it's an update. I think it's part of the design.
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