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Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 04:14:58

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Eugenics - The practice of allowing certain populations to produce offspring whilst actively preventing other populations from doing so

"In a world to achieve freedom, we must withhold freedom from others. That is the greatest irony of Man"

"Man often acts ruthless when he acts purely on logic, and Man often destroys itself when it acts purely on emotion"

- Emperor Cacao, Emperor of the Latte Cocoa Empire

Chapter One - High Heaven has a Filter like your Coffee Machine

Everybody is familiar with the concept of Heaven right? Only those who are worthy are allowed to go in. Those who aren't will suffer eternal damnation. Despite what ever religious concept you have there is a population that has their rights limited and are not allowed the practice of leaving a legacy. A practice that seems universal across all nations but is forgotten when limited to this certain population.
Which population you might ask? Well, they are PRISONERS.

Chapter Two - Used Coffee Grounds go to the Garbage, Bad People go to Jail

No right to vote, no privacy, no financial security, no freedom, no freedom of speech, no sexual release, no relationships, no home. These people have been one of the most historically looked down people in society. Yes, even lower than black people. Their rights have been taken away and they aren't treated like humans. And the biggest facet is that of those prisoners who have no children, but wish to have. Is it immoral to prevent a prisoner from having access to sexual relations. Why should a child cease to ever be created because of laws. The same way a son isn't guilty for his fathers doings, why would a non-conceived baby have to pay for his fathers crime. And why is this form of Eugenics not talked about often. People talk about the Holocaust was a facet of eugenics, this facet was by actively killing the entire population as soon as possible. These people were also imprisoned and not allowed to reproduce. The reason simply being they were Jewish. Is there ever a crime that deserves the punishment of preventing you from having children?

Chapter Final - You will drink your Coffee Black as punishment. No worries, Black Coffee was part of my rehabilitation in Prison.

Overall, this prison system of punishment is detrimental to society as a whole. Just because some small minority of people actually live a better life when they leave prison, it doesn't mean it's a successful system. A successful system wouldn't remove people from society and make them commit the same crime again. People are different and react so. Not everybody likes black coffee, some people like creamers of different flavors. Some people don't even like coffee. Teaching children to care for others and feel empathy for others and realize that their actions might hurt them is a better deterrent than the fear of prison. Thievery, murder, rape, these crimes are committed because people don't care about the people they are hurting. Prison isn't a deterrent to them, since they obviously do them anyways. In the future I hope we can evolve in a way to actually rehabilitate and punish people for immoral crimes. One that lets them become better than they were for society, not one that makes them incompatible.
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 04:32:46

Level 59
What is the conclusion
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 07:13:33

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Either it is wrong to imprison people, or it is correct to practice eugenics to a certain instead.
Which in this case Eugenics is not even a successful practice. As crime rates have not gone lower.
People will commit crimes regardless if their parents committed a crime or not
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 14:51:06

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
That is true
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 14:51:23

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Most people will commit crime, in a game or out of a game
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 15:41:21

Level 54
I don't want to give a generic answer along the lines "that's how the world works" or "that's just how it is"

But that's how the world works and that's just how it is
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-13 23:34:50

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
This isn't me complaining or wanting to change it

It's just me trying to say that most people lose all compassion when talking about criminals and don't bother to care about the effects of stripping their rights away.
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-14 00:05:48

Level 59
Hmm, Eugenics is not the reason we have prisons, it's just a side effect.

Eugenics and prison system are completely two separate topics.

Jail is just a simple and easy solution to keep harmful people out of society. To become a better citizen is not a prison's responsibility, but a criminal's responsibility. Some people should never be allowed into society. No mercy for degenerates.
Legalized Eugenics Happening Across the World: 2020-12-14 10:01:25

Level 54
I get the point of making this thread and agree that prisons shouldn't be isolating people from society, but rather trying to reintroduce them into is (which is a system used in some developed countries). Still, the individual is limited by the society he lives in and will remain so.
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