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Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 04:03:14

Level 58
"Power: Time Warp (already been earned 2 times this level. Cannot be earned again to prevent farming)"

This is so lame. Didn't even want to farm. Just wanted to play an old level. Would have used the power-up right then and there on the level I was playing. That's the reason it's there, pretty much.

It's like 3 hours into the level, and it's something that costs 50 cents, or a dollar, whatever, base price. That's a lot of time spent to farm for a buck. Y'all might be going a little overboard with the loss prevention. It makes the level less fun when you don't get the power-ups to play with it.

If I had known this were the case, I wouldn't have squandered them in the second go around. I want to squander them, though. Fun has decreased by 15%.
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 07:40:48

Level 35
When you get to maps with 2 weeks+ time required to complete, the need in those bonuses from overcharge mines/armies, time warp, free cache or even raid market becomes unnecessary. I have 5/5 in all slots, but don't even want or have need to use those in mid-endgame of the map.
Skip Level is used asap, multilevel got two times and can't farm it anymore. Fog Buster helps to speed up things by a lot, don't have to make risky moves to find hospital or recipes. Inspire Mercenaries is the only REAL TREASURE that gives a super boost when used in endgame to speed up clearing the map.
But, nevertheless, those bonuses are not worthy to be bought with coins or to grind previous levels to get them, it is my point of view for now.
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 09:52:06

Level 61
Right now it might be 3 hours into the level for your first power-up. But imagine having almost all advancements and going to one of the first levels. It might take you five minutes to get that power-up. Now you abandon the level, start it again, rinse and repeat and you've just found a way to get free powers.
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 15:56:44

Level 56
After you beat all the levels you can apparently "reset" them and start over (keeping all your AP). Does anyone know if this restores the ability to get powerups 2 more times?
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 15:59:06

Level 63
Since all the levels are reset, I would assume all the powers get reset with them. (It would be a terrible slow playthrough if you dont get any new powers)
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 16:04:52

Level 63
Right now it might be 3 hours into the level for your first power-up. But imagine having almost all advancements and going to one of the first levels. It might take you five minutes to get that power-up. Now you abandon the level, start it again, rinse and repeat and you've just found a way to get free powers.

My recommendation for this is just disallow depositing into inventory beyond the first 2 claims. So you grab 2, put into inventory, play again and all you can do is use it on that level. Exceptions Skip Level & Multi Level since they operate differently (ie: not ever used directly on the current level).

Problem solved.

But agree that not having it on the level at all just makes those levels a bit more of a drudge, which as someone said reduces enjoyment by 15%.
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 16:07:11

Level 63
My recommendation for this is just disallow depositing into inventory beyond the first 2 claims. So you grab 2, put into inventory, play again and all you can do is use it on that level. Exceptions Skip Level & Multi Level since they operate differently (ie: not ever used directly on the current level).
yeah, but ML is the only one I really need...
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:25:05

Level 21
hukutka, why do you use skip level right away? i'm struggling to find a reason that it is useful to move to a "harder" level instead of playing an easier one first to increase artifacts, powerups, etc
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:28:47

Level 62
I feel the same, but apparently it's a thing that all the better players are doing...
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:30:12

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
“Sir I’m just farming my time warps”
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:30:54

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
“These Inspire Mercenaries grow quick also, want one?”
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:31:31

Level 59
I like the two level one. Wish there were more of those on so I could play on weekends where im really bored.

Guess Ill have to buy them for $7 each, lol
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 20:44:48

Level 63
hukutka, why do you use skip level right away? i'm struggling to find a reason that it is useful to move to a "harder" level instead of playing an easier one first to increase artifacts, powerups, etc
skip levels are useless without multi level, but since you probably shouldnt use your ML till the last levels, you can either keep them or play them, doesnt really matter either way (as long as you keep the same amount of skips as you have ML)
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 21:02:24

Level 63
skip levels are useless without multi level, but since you probably shouldnt use your ML till the last levels, you can either keep them or play them, doesn't really matter either way (as long as you keep the same amount of skips as you have ML)

They can still be useful without an ML to jump to later levels to get to the longer levels with more AP returns - if that's what you're down for. If you prefer to take on the shorter levels in order, then they serve no purpose.

I've used them to skip to the highest levels and clear them in reverse order because I find that the AP per time invested on those levels is higher.

(This was even truer when I first started doing this and the levels were less balanced, and I was able to finish the United States in less than 2 days, albeit using a bunch of Time Warps, Caches, Market Raids & Inspire Mercs.)
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 22:00:31

Level 35
Jon, there are too many skip levels I get from maps I play and daily rewards, so I began just to use them all because of that. I am not skipping any playable map anyway, at least at the first playthrough, so just don't need them. For the time being I have unlocked 8 more maps to play, but still I will go one by one as it is planned in game menu :D
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-14 22:02:41

Level 63
I have had all the maps 'unlocked' due to Skip Level powers for a long time, and even still I got a few more from Daily Rewards (they're apparently not supposed to show up, but they did anyhow) ... so I applied them, and not sure if that means they're wasted b/c there are no other levels available, or some yet unnamed future levels are proactively unlocked for me.
Preventing Farming: 2020-12-15 02:48:22

Level 64
Rumor has it that when you beat all levels that they reset and your can play them again. You may want to hold onto your skip levels.
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