*Sigh* This took forever and I refuse to complete it, sorry. The new time maximum is 10 minutes. Average playtime per run cannot be more than about 10 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auJ3k7-P_e0 Doing next one now.
I have the next one recorded, but there's a big gap in the middle where I had to go, so I need an editing app, any good suggestions for a free editing app?
Also, I beat that lvl already, Balth, one try. The level wasn't difficult, just annoying. But judging by the fact that after 15 min from releasing you already have 6 attempts on level called "A level for masochists from a sadist", I am starting to believe that you actually would enjoy if I replaced the level list with the top 5 worst levels I could find.
If you give "Boss 4" to a slot in custom scenario which then isn't included in the game, it joins the game controlled by neutral. As neutral, the boss can't move, but it will still do special moves. Boss 4 special moves are: -pick random player's territory without special units, reduce amount of troops on it to 0, give the territory to player controlling the boss, spawn troops on the territory. -pick random enemy territory player borders and add troops there.
By the way, if you control boss 4, it will still add troops to enemy and wipe-out all your troops on a territory before deploying (your) troops in it. Armies deployed by boss can be moved the same turn as they are deployed (which becomes relevant in no-split mode).
Nope. The boss will only give troops to your enemies/ turn your territories into his colour (neutral). While you don't have to kill bosses in order to win, after turn 23 bosses will spawn insane amount of troops. I suggest using gift card to make the AI kill both bosses. And get lucky turn 4.