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Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 02:15:18

Level 57
There is an option to display and hide select seasons coin earnings already

Since I tried Warzone Idle the achievements I gained there have cluttered my profile page but I don't look back on them with the same fondness as I do the memories I have of the Classic ones.

Never mind the %

Would it be an idea to implement a similar system for hiding them as there is for coin leaderboard placement?
I would like that very much

Yes, I'm vain

Feel free to chime in if you agree or disagree for whatever reason
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 03:21:53

Level 50
While I agree that hard-earned achievements from tight battles in classic are something I take greater pride in that just waiting around for the idle to get towards, achievements are also "talking" points for other players. I have occassionally reached out to ask advice from another player who earned an achievement in something I have struggled with, and idle which I just started this week may be one of those

But this is merely my opinion on the matter
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 06:27:57

Level 57
Not advocating for a removal of the Idle achievements
They are indeed a motivation to play it better and as you mention a way (among others) to find relevant advice

I would however prefer if I could modify my own profile in settings to hide them, personally
Hope this clarifies

As it stands I don't feel like playing Idle and continuing to pile them up, until a solution is found
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 14:06:18

Level 50
I understood you just prefer not to see idle achievements clutter your achievement bar.

I'm simply saying that if I happen to see the achievement on your profile, I may reach out asking for advice (like most efficient AP upgrades to clear the thing asap)

If it were hidden, I wouldn't be able to ask nicely for tips :)
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 21:59:14

Level 62
But it would be ever easier to rudely demand the answers.
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 22:04:23

Level 63
I dont think they should be hiden, but the achievements should he split into a wzc and wzi section, each with their own % complete, their own 10 achievements on the to-do-list, etc
Petition Proposal My 2 Cents: 2020-12-28 22:05:38

Level 62
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