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Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:35:29

Level 58
No berdan131: it has a timebomb and will not work after Jan 12 2021
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:36:07

Level 41
Can we get a moment of silence for adobe flash?
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:36:52

Level 62
- downvoted post by TheWillOfTheWild
- downvoted post by Shrek
- downvoted post by TheWillOfTheWild
- downvoted post by Shrek
- downvoted post by TheWillOfTheWild
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:50:59

Level 61
Warzone on Flash still works for me on Firefox, I just have to manually allow it everytime. In fact the main reason I use Firefox is because Flash doesn't work on other browsers (maybe it's just me, though). :P

Honestly I still miss some Flash features in UJS, such as setting music and effects volumes.
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:52:18

Level 62
Flash is and was my childhood. How could it die before me?
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 16:53:24

Level 63
Honestly I still miss some Flash features in UJS, such as setting music and effects volumes.

Those are back!

When you're in a game, check the App Settings (weird name tho @Fizzer) which you can find under the dropdown menu under your username.
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:07:40

Level 61
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:10:07

Level 63
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:21:28

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
I like how you just block your coin count haha
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:21:44

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Dans userscripts?
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:21:51

Level 54
Oh he did let me see next time.
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 17:22:23

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Multis userscripts?! He has commands!
Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 18:33:15

Level 63
Dans userscripts?

I'm using:
  • Script for checking the bootrate and last seens of everyone in a clan
  • Script that adds an "Invite to clan" button on a users profile

    All WZ userscripts can be found on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/by-site/warzone.com?language=all
    While I find Dans scripts very useful, they are not super useful for your average player.

    Muli's script is something I highly recommend for everyone, and if you dont have it yet, go get it!
    See: https://www.warlight.net/Forum/106092-tidy-up-dashboard-2

  • Edited 1/14/2021 18:33:41
    Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 18:36:50

    Level 42
    Warzone on Flash still works for me on Firefox, I just have to manually allow it everytime. In fact the main reason I use Firefox is because Flash doesn't work on other browsers (maybe it's just me, though). :P
    How recently have you checked this, Onoma?

    I manually allowed Flash but the 2020/01/12 time bomb goes off once I bypass Firefox's warning. I just get a clickable square of the Flash logo with an information icon, and if i click it, it takes me to the Flash End Of Life page.

    Do you see something different, or are you just able to bypass that Adobe-level warning too?
    Is anyone able to still use the Flash client?: 2021-01-14 18:37:46

    Level 62
    @JK, where do I actually download his script?
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