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I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 02:30:14

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Hello All,

After spending a few days getting my thoughts together, I have decided that, after my almost 7 years of playing, to retire from warzone, apart from the occasional in-clan event. I have outlasted many of my friends that have enjoyed playing with in my time, but now I have come to the realization that I no longer enjoy playing this game, and it has become more or less a habit. The one thing that kept me going through the years was FCC and my desire to see it be a healthy community. However, FCC/Discovery has now proven to me that it continue to thrive and grow in my absence.

I am glad to have spent time with all of you and the community that has made warzone what it is. However, there's a few players I need to thank in particular:

  • Sinistral Gamer (Spetsnav): Invited me in summer 2014 to FCC. Without him I probably would have quit this game the same year I started playing it.
  • JSA: First player from the community to earnestly reach out to me.
  • Bane (now Thanos): The mapmaking advice you gave me was priceless to me.
  • Player12345: Really helped motivate me to improve my strategic skills, and was a key mentor in my development as a player.
  • Green Turtle, Great Expanse, HankyPinky: I can't imagine where I would have been with FCC if the Illuminati trio had not been kind enough to help me out.
  • Master Farah, AWESOMEGUY, Nox: Invaluable strategic advice, and invaluable good times as well.
  • Timewizz65: One of the first streamers I watched and encouraged me to try it out for myself!
  • Super Smoove: You were one of my favorite players to play with. Also cheers for those scuffed 2v2 ladder runs!
  • Fizzer: To making this experience all possible.
  • All the other current/former FCC/Disco Managers: Thank you for your help on making FCC what it is/was.

I'd like to give a special shoutout to some others:


Certainly some of the best times I had in and outside this game were my voice chats with you. You demonstrated thoroughly to me that the best players of this game required and extremely nuanced and subtle skillset, which I still do not fully understand - and likely never will. However, you and your clan provided a key inspiration to me to make FCC the best strategic clan it could be - and while that meeting in Div A that I dreamed about never materialized, without you and your clan I would not have had that sort of motivation to try, and eventually retry, to do so.


Thank you for being such a rock in the stream for FCC in its rebuild. You are a key piece of the FCC division A puzzle, and I enjoyed our many spars.


Thank you so much for investing so much of your time and effort with me into FCC. As a fellow leader you provided the needed boost to get FCC wheels really spinning, which hopefully will continue to spin for many years to come.


Nah he doesn't deserve a mention now that I think of it, he's just some big sloppy hairy redhead. No I am still not taking off my shirt.


I really don't know what to put here, but I will try my best. For some random guy from Texas, for someone who was once known by a really ugly name until Styx deemed it was too tacky to be reasonable username so just gave you a nickname which ended up sticking and actually becoming your username, and especially for the fact that at one point we didn't even want to have anything to even do with each other, you ended up becoming not only one of my favorite players to play warzone with, but also a friend not at all just chained to warzone. Thank you so much, and I look forward to playing and exploring other games with you.

If you would like to contact me in the future, I encourage you to DM me via my discord account, Aura Guardian#9151. I will be reactivating it as of tonight.

Aura Guardian.

Edited 1/14/2021 05:55:06
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 02:33:16

Level 62
Enjoy your retirement Aura! I didn't know you that well, but always had positive interactions with you.
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 02:56:43

Level 61
So long fellow midwesterner, thanks for bringing me into FCC. Best of luck in your weatherman endeavors
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 03:09:50

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
I hope that you will be safe and enjoy your retirement!
- downvoted post by Nick
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 03:31:22

Master Activision
Level 60
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 03:34:09

Level 42
So long Aura Gourdain. You will be missed.
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 03:48:37

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
I don't know you much but I know that you are some sort of leader in FCC/Discovery. Goobdye Aura Guardian
- downvoted post by berdan131
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 04:08:31

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
I agree with Berdan completely
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 04:27:13

Level 65
Dear berdan131,

Shut the fuck up.

I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 04:52:22

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
Octane, play paladins with me and aura sometime
- downvoted post by berdan131
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 05:33:34

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
I mean, you just trashed on one of his oldest warzone friends....
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 05:34:46

Level 64
Read the room. People are trying to say goodbye to their friend. Don’t make this about you.
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 05:35:43

Level 59
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 05:36:01

Max Scherzer 
Level 62
Well put, read the room. Time for bringing up the past, and there is a time to shut up unless you want to say good-bye.
- downvoted post by berdan131
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 07:05:38

Level 60
I think this is actually the first time I actually felt some emotion and weight from a retirement message. I've seen plenty in the past and recognized some of the names, but this hits different

I mean, I still remember it vividly. One day I convinced people I dont even talk to anymore on a stream to try this site I vaguely remembered but didnt play for years. I had memories of it and had my mark, but I was long retired since then and most of my friends were long gone. I only saw it as a one time thing and quickly move on.

But then I had a viewer called Aura Guardian dm me right after saying how happy he was to see a new face play the game and stream it and asking me to join a clan called FCC. Even though I told him I was a complete noob and wasn't competitive he promised that if I joined he would be able to change that and make it worthwhile. So I did and never looked back.

Dang how time flies by. Makes me realize it's been nearly 3 and a half years since that day. It's the intial spark that got me to try playing this game and improve from my old self and make a new mark in the community.

I may still be not the best and have plenty of things happen in my life since then that have taken a toll on my activity in the game at times. But without that initial spark from him I would have left here long ago. The warzone community is definitely losing someone special that won't be be replaced anytime soon. To me this isn't just a loss of a well known warlighter or even a clan leader, but the loss of a good friend. I'll miss you and wish you the best

Farewell, guardian of the aura.

Also, I won.
I am Retiring: 2021-01-14 07:07:53

Level 60
goodbye aura and what a beautiful message by the troll
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