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Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:17:00

Level 58
I heard playing FFA with your alt and help yourself to win is not allowed, that is a good thing.
I also heard playing with a friend in FFA's are allowed, so far so good..
But when i agreed with a friend to rig a FFA game (predetermined teams) is allowed too and that's where the problem starts..

If this is true:
-When main and alt accounts enter a game and give advantage to one account (they are both playing normally but dont attack each other) until only two of them remains then one of them surrender, the other wins.. -not allowed
-Given the same circumstances but only change main-alt situation, me and my friend enter a game and give advantage respectively me and my friend (we are both playing normally but dont attack each other) until only two of us remains then one of them surrender, the other wins.. (resp.) -allowed ?

Here is the game link:

Maybe they are same person but i dont think they are..
And i see their picks and attitude in game, they are both italian here they are:
Clair : https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=77122577763
Paolaccio : https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=31125939201

They are apparently discussed about that before probably they are playing FFA's together or they have just started..

P.S.This was a coin tournament.

Edited 1/20/2021 08:37:20
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:20:41

Level 62
I say report em.
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:22:56

Level 58
I mean i dont have any problem with teaming or backstabbing stuff..
They are not even trying to fight!! i was really angry though..
And heard its not a problem unless they are same person...
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:25:27

Level 58
In turn 51 i'm trying to give some lands to Paolaccio to make him powerful and make both fight but no..
Pao was just focused to break my bonusses..
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:25:49

Level 62
From whom did you hear this?
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:29:12

Level 59
FFA is a free for all
No rules
They prob did realize that working together would’ve been beneficial (prob talked in PM) since they were right next to each other.
The person surrendered at the end prob because they knew they couldn’t win against the other.
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:31:03

Level 58
So this is not againist any rules?
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:34:44

Level 63
If its 2 friends, no one can stop you from colluding together and helping each other. This is also not against the rules.

Using 2 accounts of 1 player in a game however, is strictly forbidden. If you reasonably suspect someone is cheating with alts, you can report them. Generally speaking, this is impossible to prove, so provide all the hints you have in your report.

As for your specific game, both accounts are italian, and italians are known for teaming up together. Neither of the accounts you linked, show any clear signs any of them would be an alt, so they probably are just friends.
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:36:54

Level 58
Okay thanks for the all info..
So if i agreed with someother player before joining ffa's and if i say "one game for me one game for you" is this okay??
Its just friendly playing..
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:38:01

Level 58
Because its easier than creating alt and playing from 2 accounts in RT and its allowed..
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:41:31

Level 63
So if i agreed with someother player before joining ffa's and if i say "one game for me one game for you" is this okay??

I would say this falls into the same category as using Discord when the host disabled PM in the game. It's not against the rules, there is no way any admin could ever inforce it, but its still against the spirit of the game.
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:43:47

Ryan Doherty 
Level 62
And, karma will eventually get to them.. in game and real life..
Rigged FFA's: 2021-01-16 20:44:28

Level 62
No, it's not cheating. IMO it's fine unless someone in the game is not fine wit it.
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