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With multi-level, can I use 3 different browsers?: 2021-01-28 23:19:35

Level 20
I know there's only 2 of multi-level all the game.
And I know it allows only 1 tab in 1 browser.
Can I play my current 3 maps (used 2 multi-level and 2 skip-level) in 3 browsers? And will this affect game saving?
With multi-level, can I use 3 different browsers?: 2021-01-28 23:23:56

Level 20
Another question. Since:
1. there's only 1 set of artifacts, and
2. according to the popup when switching game, the idle bonus are calculated when entering the map.
Is this a good way: when switching to a map that has been idled for 2:15, equip a "idle time" card before switching map, to get 2:20 bonus in the opened map?
With multi-level, can I use 3 different browsers?: 2021-01-29 01:04:10

Level 64

Warzone Creator
You can use different browsers, but never at the same time. You must close idle completely in one before opening it on another. See https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Warzone_Idle_Syncing
With multi-level, can I use 3 different browsers?: 2021-01-29 08:26:00

Level 35
Just go to menu, change map, play it, repeat :D
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