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Feature request - Reserve resource from selling: 2021-02-02 12:18:38

Level 20
Sometimes for the tech, one of the required resource would be sufficient, and the other may take some more hours.
When selling resources, it would be a pain to adjust the scroll bar, to leave correct amount for the sufficient one.
Could there be a function to reserve some resource, into a tech? Maybe like a bucket icon on each opened tech icon? And if one of them is fulfilled, gray it out on the main tech map?

By the way, is it true that the cooldown for the active artifact has been reduced from 24h to 16h? And is there an insane level, that could reduce cost of army camp & hospital by 96%, and mine by 128%?
Feature request - Reserve resource from selling: 2021-02-02 12:58:08

Level 25
1.) I like the idea, because the sliders aren't very much fine-adjustable in the first place.
2.) Yes, artifacts only cool down 16h now (although the artifact text still says 24h)
3.) Not sure, if all those numbers are actually checked by some user (maybe they are just the extension of observed patterns), but there are at least two players managing a database of artifacts, so see yourself if you can find any interesting artifacts in there:
Feature request - Reserve resource from selling: 2021-02-02 16:27:05

Level 64
    Yes, artifacts only cool down 16h now (although the artifact text still says 24h)

Fizzer fixed this in the update released yesterday. Now the text does say 16h.

Edited 2/2/2021 16:27:26
Feature request - Reserve resource from selling: 2021-02-02 19:10:21

Level 25
Fizzer fixed this in the update released yesterday. Now the text does say 16h.

Not a fan of active artifacts so I haven't noticed yet, but you're right.
Feature request - Reserve resource from selling: 2021-02-04 13:07:14

Dj Storm
Level 59
I see reserving alloys/items as a protection against accidentally selling the entire stack. Good feature, if it gets implemented. More protections are needed, like protection against conquering the wrong territory by misclicking.
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