I'd suggest to file a (bug) report directly (
https://www.warzone.com/Contact ). I assume Fizzer won't read the forum 24/7.
Then, some territory's I took, went back to neutrals...
and my game went back on neutrals I already conquered...
I can at least tell you what I suspect happened here. The game only syncs every 10 minutes or so (the wiki has an exact number somewhere). If the browser (I assume this happened on PC) invalidated its cache while reloading the game, you would see an older version of the game. This can also cause problems if you switch between PC and the apps. The apps have a Sync-Button in the User-Menu (the head in the top right), on PC you can force a sync with "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"G" (though, you don't get a feedback when the sync was successful, I keep the sync on for a few seconds to make sure).