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Darklords: 2021-02-12 19:30:09

Level 56
Take this oppotunity to accept or request entry into the DARKLORDS clan.
Recruiment initiated!
Darklords: 2021-02-12 19:52:23

Level 55
Recruiting accounts that have been inactive for a year?

Bold strategy Cotton.
Darklords: 2021-02-12 19:52:23

Level 55
Nice to see the forum is working so well, double-posting on my only post on it in forever

Edited 2/12/2021 19:53:20
Darklords: 2021-02-12 21:50:36

Level 56
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
Darklords: 2021-02-12 22:13:53

Level 56
The DARK council has initiated operation TOTAL DARK PHEONIX
This initiative is to draw new DARK blood to the clan and regain our DARK shroud of dominance for the good of the DARKLORDS.
Starting count: 627 DARK overlords.
Target count: 750
Stay home, wash your hands and STAY DARK!
Darklords: 2021-02-12 22:46:50

Level 59
⚠️PSA⚠️ for any newbies that read this thread: DARKLORDS is a zombie clan that exists only to hold onto the top spot on the clans list. The clans list just sorts clans by total points gained by their players (all-time). This means clans with hundreds of members, even if they're inactive, rocket to the top. If you're looking for the top clans in terms of, e.g., skill, you should look at the results of Clan League: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/447230-clan-league-13-division-official-thread

Of their 680+ members, at least a third are full-on retired and long gone. Darklordio himself is dormant and goes inactive for months before hopping back on for these recruitment sprees. There's essentially no clan events and DARKLORDS do not participate in inter-clan events. It's a stagnant community where accounts go to die.

Instead, if you're looking for a clan, consider these:
- downvoted post by Darklordio
Darklords: 2021-02-12 23:16:15

Level 59
I mean you could check on the clan’s profile and see that some members are 1000+ days inactive lol
Darklords: 2021-02-12 23:54:19

Level 66
Darklords: 2021-02-13 00:00:31

Level 59
Here's what DARKLORDS looks like. I couldn't get the member list for today (due to the recent 5.08 update breaking clan pages) so I used the members list from November of 2020. The other data (e.g., activity) is all current.

80%+ of DARKLORDS have been offline for over a month.

Nearly 90% of DARKLORDS have <5000 points in the last 30 days.

In recent games, DARKLORDS members have high boot rates.

The vast majority of DARKLORDS aren't in any ongoing games.

at least a third are full-on retired and long gone
That turns out to be an understatement. It looks like 80-90% of the clan is straight-up retired and the remainder are just trudging along, activity-wise. Among nearly 700 members now, only 4 are really active.
Darklords: 2021-02-13 00:04:15

Tritium terry cloth 
Level 62
Dark lords is cool and anyone who says otherwise wept like a soyboy on the opening day of the new jj abrams steaming shite pile sequels of purple haired Star Wars woke invertebrates. Don’t be a hater. Episode one for life
Darklords: 2021-02-13 01:28:04

Level 56
Fake news
Darklords: 2021-02-13 01:34:18

Tritium terry cloth 
Level 62
Psh, figures. You prolly have an asymmetrical hairdo like Kyler ren. Here I am tryina defend you, should be called the edge lords, at least that would be funny
Darklords: 2021-02-13 03:38:28

Level 58
Why not just make your clan open?
Darklords: 2021-02-13 05:06:42

Level 16
Good Afternoon Darklordio,

After recent events of you mass inviting people to your clan "Darklords", it's opened my eyes and now I can see the sign, I need to join your clan. I would be a very advantageous to have in your clan, as I am a decorated player as I have an over 54.9% wr on 1v1s. I know you don't get these kinds of offers every day, and I most certainly don't offer myself to join clans, but this is an opportunity you should take. I appreciate you taking your time in look at this thread once more to read my reply to you.

Deep regards, your future bro, canoe.
Darklords: 2021-02-13 05:09:01

Level 16
Good afternoon Darklordio,

I apologize for bothering you with another reply, but I forgot to mention I am myself a high level warzone idle coach, and I am also in contact with many other warzone idle idols.

Apologies again, your future homie, Canoe.
Darklords: 2021-02-13 05:09:17

Level 44
Why not just make your clan open?
You can't open a clan that has 40 or more members. This includes clans that were grandfathered in before the 40-cap was introduced.
Darklords: 2021-02-13 05:34:32

Darth Grover
Level 52
Good to see that some things don't change.
Darklords: 2021-02-13 05:52:43

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Darkness, uh, finds a way.
Darklords: 2021-02-14 14:46:06

Level 59
Darklords is clearly a clan for mature people who have acknowledged and accepted the concept of inevitable death.

It is a sanctuary for fallen travellers,
who follow their own paths,
just like cats.
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