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The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 00:14:37

Level 61
I'm having problems with my Internet Wi-Fi these last days, so I can only play Warzone by the app on my phone. But the app works very badly for me: games that have a great number of players or that use a big map I can't even enter on them, the app crashes all the time. Even in the smaller maps, when I enter the app is slow, many commands don't work, I have to click 4 or 5 times to make an action. And the button to put the number of armies of an attack crashes every time I select it. Is it just me that's experiencing these kind of problems? I probably will be booted of a lot of games until I have my WiFi back, but it's not my fault; I'm trying to play the game, but the app doesn't let me.
The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 00:22:28

Level 64
Maybe it's time for you to get a new phone. I play on both PC and my phone, and I've never had any issues with the app crashing that weren't understandable. The only issue I've seen that resulted in the app crashing on me or not loading was when I tried loading the game when I moved it to the SD card in my phone, I use Android, and the only problem I had with that method is you can't load it from an SD card on mobile as the code for the function to do so isn't there, and I don't know if Fizzer is working on or even planning to add that launch method to the Android version of the app.

Edited 2/22/2021 00:23:21
The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 00:37:31

Level 61
There are other apps that work very well in my phone and never crashes. My browser, for example, I use it with more than 40 tabs open (I'm writing this in it, in the app even write a post is impossible) and it crashes less frequently than Warzone. So now I have to buy a smartphone of the last generation just to play this game? It's very frustrating, I thought the game were meant to be democratic and more accessible, I just was booted from one game (and will be of several others) even though I was trying for more than 30 minutes to enter it
The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 00:58:54

Level 42
Have you reported this to Fizzer? https://warzone.com/ReportBug

If you do that and send your logs, Fizzer will have more information than you can share on this forum. Fizzer could give you more detailed feedback based on what shows up in those logs for you. You might also want to specify in your bug report device details like what Android/iOS version you're playing on, etc. (That should all be in some "About" section in your Settings).
So now I have to buy a smartphone of the last generation just to play this game?
I don't think you need latest-generation. I have the WZ app on an Android tablet that is so old it doesn't even get security updates anymore, and I have not experienced any of the issues you describe. The cause might be more detailed than is obvious with the limited information here.

You could also check on your own device to see memory and other resource usage to determine why these crashes are happening.

Edited 2/22/2021 00:59:08
The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 01:07:58

Level 64
    That should all be in some "About" section in your Settings

It's on the app's store page. In the App Store or on Google Play.

Edited 2/22/2021 07:39:40
The app sucks for me: 2021-02-22 02:10:03

Level 61
Ok, rhank you, I'll report with the technical specifications
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