But maybe that was not a hint but Fizzer fixing a past mistake /shrug
Timing lines up with his post about "Hint #3." Unless he really buried Hint #3 (inconsistent with how accessible he's made the hints so far), it wasn't a post elsewhere (not even on the Reddit that no one sees, or an edit on the Wiki that no one regularly reads). And if it was as simple as a past mistake, he would've noticed and fixed it much earlier on. Maybe there's
another hint #3 that he created when he moved to Clans, but I doubt it.
Fizzer has already used up his mistakes quota for the decade by creating Warzone Idle, so I suspect this was intentional.
I suspect he saw the conversation, noticed we were on the right track, and- as joey asked- confirmed that this was indeed related to 5.08 in some way.
But where do
arcs tie to this? Would they tie to a Clan League/Ladder in some way?
Edited 2/27/2021 19:50:35