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open clan feature: 2021-02-26 13:40:08

Level 56
Hello WZ community (and especially Fizzer),

I decided to open up my clan {rp} to the community and wanted to give some feedback to this.
I hope to find others to discuss about this, but there aren't many clans using that feature yet.

First I want to say that I appreciate this feature and hope that this might help our clan.

Since I am the leader of a clan I can't really tell how this feature is from a "clan searching players" point of view. Maybe some of you used it and want to contribute to this thread.

The ideas behind the feature are:

1. Players should find a clan for themself, without searching through an endless list of clannames or writing into the forum.

2. Unknown clans / clans further down in the clan list have the possibility to get fresh players.

What I think about the practicability of the current system:

to 1.:
a) Since not many clans are available it seems to be quite clear.
b) You know which clans are looking for players without reading through every clanpage.
c) ... ... I still have to come up with something :D

to 2.:
a) Players are streeming into the clan quite frequently.
b) You are getting players from Warzone idle (I think we got some players which played solely WZ idle. They had 0 games and talked about WZI so I assume that they only have the WZI App.)
c) You get flooded by lvl 1 players.

Thinks I would like to have improved:
Please make it possible for clanleaders to set up some requirements for joining the clan (similar to the game requirements like lvl or bootrate)!
Please do not treat WZ Idle and WZ players equally. Or at least let the leader choose if WZ Idle (only) players are allowed to join.

Best regards
open clan feature: 2021-02-26 13:43:02

Level 62
I relate to this very much, please do this Fizzer!
open clan feature: 2021-02-26 20:36:45

Level 42
Please make it possible for clanleaders to set up some requirements for joining the clan (similar to the game requirements like lvl or bootrate)!
Please do not treat WZ Idle and WZ players equally. Or at least let the leader choose if WZ Idle (only) players are allowed to join.
Maybe this is what Fizzer's cryptic "Coming soon" post is about? Hoops to jump through before you can join a clan?

Either way, this is also my conclusion from opening up Optimum and Prime. Most of the managerial work in those clans is with kicking out confused Idlers who accidentally join.
open clan feature: 2021-02-26 20:57:49

Level 63
join prereqs that would be great (both clans and games/tourneys):

minimum level
minimum # of games played
max % boot overal (not just last 100 games...)
open clan feature: 2021-02-26 21:41:28

Level 42
OH and another great feature would just be rolling back the entire 5.08 update. Would drastically improve the site!
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 07:29:40

Level 61
I disagree.
Having pre-requirements would defeat the purpose of the entire update.
Almost no one would allow the level 1s to join their clan in that case. And it's the level 1s who most often use the open clans feature (either by accident or not) and why Fizzer even added it to begin with.

Want decent members?
Put in the effort to find them, don't expect them to literally walk through your gates.
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 07:39:01

Level 61
Inviting people takes a long time @Kratt, so its better to keep the clan open and recruit people. I agree. We hould have an open clan requirement. Level 10+ or 20+
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 10:19:13

Level 63
The lvl req shouldnt be set too high or it will indeed defeat the open clans purpose.

However, having it set at lvl 3 or something, will prevent people from joining that are going inactive anyway, or deter alts without any games.

Since lvl 3 is obtainable in 1 to 3 wins, it will just filter out the players that are going to be kicked anyway
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 10:31:05

Level 61
Initial post was all about having the ability to set the pre-requisites manually though.

Having the option to make it open for everyone or open for players who have finished at least a multi-player game makes sense.
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 11:56:49

Level 56
as shown by the warzone statistics a very large amout of players stop playing after almost no time spend in warzone. So there are a lot of players who install the App, join a clan and will be never seen again.
Its really tiring to kick these people out again especially since I am also writing everyone a message.

One player showed intrest and I send him a game link. He installed the WZ classic App now. He/she definitely only had the Warzone Idle App before.

Does anyone knows what stats I mean?
There have been some Diagrams which showed for example: Accounts vs. lvl so that it was easy to see that most accounts do not progress at all. On the site there was sth. written like: "These statistics show that if you are lvl 55 you are not under the highest 3% nor 0,3% but 0,03%. " Or something similar.
open clan feature: 2021-02-27 20:27:53

Level 42
@snife: https://bit.ly/warzone-datadump

90% of accounts don't make it to level 15 or 25 finished multi-player games. That % is probably higher today since those stats are pre-Idle.

I think the line you were remembering is:
50% achievements puts you in not just the top 1% or top 0.1% but the top 0.01%.

Edited 2/27/2021 20:28:56
open clan feature: 2021-02-28 01:16:48

Level 56
yeah right!
Thank you!
open clan feature: 2021-02-28 01:23:25

Level 61

This link ^ ?
Needs updated.

Snife I hope you've been telling the noobs about wz classic.. That is an important and it's not a joke if they don't know about it and get made fun of. This game is so awesome and they don't even realize it.

Edited 2/28/2021 01:27:34
open clan feature: 2021-02-28 03:19:27

Level 56
I haven't been making fun of anyone. I wrote all of them my reasons why I kicked them.

As I said. One decided to download the "warzone classic" app now and rejoined our clan.
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