The end of round 1 is just around the corner and it has revealed some shocking numbers. Here's the scores so far!
♦ ɌeLite ♦: JUPITER ♦ ɌeLite ♦ - 8
Central USA: [M.C.]ARC-77 - 8
Warlighters: Firestorm {Warlighter} - 8
Spain: Polakillo {Warlighter} - 5
The Juggernaut Clan: Lord Fred100 {TJC} - 5
North Africa: The Firemad Juggernaut - 5
Britain: Ⓖeneral Ⓐrun {Warlighter} - 4
Canada: Darth Mylor {Warlighter} - 4
Lighters: The {Lighter} - 3
Middal East: ZFire - 1
Indochina: Hayashi-Roku - 0
South Eastern USA: Yuri Hellovic Benderov - 0
France: warflowvet {Warlighter} - -1
West USA: ♦CPU♦ Ryan - -1
As round 1 is nearly over round 2 will be starting in a few days time. Round 2 will consist of just 1 multiday game. A free for all. The map is small earth: and each player will get 3 territories though auto distribution and there will be light fog with the harsh reality of a very choicy card setting.
Good luck and enjoy!