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SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-02-27 04:22:16

Level 37
Hi, any advice how to treat with the Zombies ? I thing i have the wrong approach
Thank for your help
SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-02-27 05:51:47

Level 60
I haven't played it personally but looked at this forum, https://www.warzone.com/Forum/246223-challenging-community-levels, it is apparently a very diff level. the guy says u need to be a bit lucky with AI too.

haha I did try but I lost. hopefully, someone here can help :p

Edited 2/27/2021 05:56:44
SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-02-27 21:39:29

Level 37
TY, but doesnt help me a lot :) just it confirms that I hate maps like this (very hard and that you had also be lucky).
Still hoping someone can help

Edited 2/27/2021 21:41:15
SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-02-27 21:52:32

Level 60
try mailing the guy who has the record on it. he will be your best bet.
this guy: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3140647064

Edited 2/27/2021 21:53:47
SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-03-01 11:13:42

Vampyroteuthis Infernalis
Level 52
I wanted to create a tutorial level and a little overshot the difficulty. That being said, I am happy that Fizzer chose my level in the the campaign, and that the level managed to drop the map's rating into the very last page.
Actually, he chose 3 of my levels and all bombed the rating of map they are on, but that is irrelevant.

The level isn't luck based at all, the only problem is that the AI has ~1% chance to go crazy and split the stack.
I suggest firstly playing the repaired version: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=967910

I and both recorder players won by deploying armies around the AI, doing delayes and then countering. Keeping the AI's amount of territories on 1.
SP 155 Battle Perfection: Artifical Intelligence I: 2021-03-01 11:55:46

Level 60
oh ok, imma try that.
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