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Ladder for teams?: 2021-03-02 04:12:54

Level 58
Hey! Some friends and I wanted to see if there is a way to play coined ranked games via quick match together on the regular. If we have to manually create them that’s fine but it seems less efficient. Thanks!
Ladder for teams?: 2021-03-02 04:33:02

Level 59
Quickmatch doesn't have matchmaking with fixed teams afaik. The closest I can think of to what you're looking for are the 2v2 (https://www.warzone.com/LadderSeason?ID=0) and 3v3 ladders (https://www.warzone.com/LadderSeason?ID=4) but they're both multi-day rather than real-time and don't do coins.

Edited 3/2/2021 04:33:14
Ladder for teams?: 2021-03-02 15:57:10

Level 58
I think it would liven up the ladder if fizzer enabled coin rewards.

So while I have played a lot of risk as shown by my level I have never done ladder. Any basic instructions that aren’t blatantly obvious or tips?
Ladder for teams?: 2021-03-02 17:34:59

Level 59
The four most helpful pieces of advice I have are unfortunately all obvious:

1. Play a lot of games against players who are at least slightly above your level.
2. Understand the core tactics used by players; one way to do this is to look at the games played on those ladders by top players/teams.
3. Read a strategy guide or two - https://nghood.com/warlight/strategyguide is the gold standard.
4. Revisit and analyze your games, especially watching for surprising or decisive moves.

Good luck. The team ladders do have a reputation for being easier than the 1v1/Seasonal/Multi-Day ladders due to low participation, so it might be a gentler learning curve.

Edited 3/2/2021 17:35:58
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