I'm sorry to all the people, esp. my teammates, that I kind of dissapeared on...
I don't remember what exactly happened around the time that I left the game, but I hadn't been able to play for whatever reason because RL took over.. and I never managed to get back..
Welcome back! You used to be one of the only guys that followed logic on the forum... I am just worried you'll be disappointed with how things are there now :)
I remember you from when i started going on forums,welcome back and you are going to see new trolls,new clans (good and bad ones),also gui's been back.Also you just met one of the trolls yuri or as he's most known hellbender.
I remember you tried to check when someone said that they were reading the other teams chat in team chat, because he changed teams after being invited. You made tests and dummies to see if this was true or not. However that was like 1 year ago now, and I haven't' seen you anywhere else, but it is always good to have someone willing to take up their time to do those kind of things on warlight. Welcome back :D
i remember you, i think i added you to my invite-list because you made some sense in forums.
I was inactive for quite a while too, and was still in some games(tournies) :P
So did you already check your games?