1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-22 00:56:29 |
Level 60
Could a new game feature (or mod) be made to make game part auto and part manuel? E.g. On small earth you pick one territory and the other it auto distributed.
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-22 08:11:53 |
Level 44
You can make two games — one with random warlords and the other with full dist. You and your opponent can both agree to randomly distribute pick one territory while picking the other based on starts in the board with warlords.
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-22 08:12:53 |
Level 44
You can make two games — one with random warlords and the other with full dist. You and your opponent can both agree to randomly distribute pick one territory while picking the other based on starts in the board with warlords.
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-22 14:46:57 |
Level 63
You'd need to pick the absolute minimum territories first (can't commit picks otherwise) then half of the picks would be randomised by listening to orders and making pick changes.
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-22 18:42:52 |
Level 60
in a two pick game you would be allowed to pick 2 territories. you would get one of them and when you committed you would also randomly receive another territory.
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-23 16:45:23 |
Level 60
Should I contact a mod maker?
1\2 auto + 1\2 manuel?: 2021-03-23 18:53:57 |
Level 61
This actually sounds fun. You should contact a mod maker. It should be fully customizable though, for example in MME you can get 2 picks and 1 random or vice versa.