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Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 06:55:54

Level 43

I attempted to write a basic, practical, understandable reference to strategic Warzone Classic targeted for newbies and for casuals/diplomacy players who are just getting into the strategic scene. My hope is to provide a reference document we can share with beginners as they start to play & understand this game and discover its great community. It covers technical things (like installing the Warzone app), community things (like what the competitive scene is like and which clan to join), and provides some beginner building blocks on how to get good at the game. The whole document is intended to be targeted toward players who aren't quite at the stage yet to read Norman's excellent guide, like players you'd find on Quickmatch/Arena struggling to win games.

You can find it at https://bit.ly/warzone-basics (gDoc version: https://bit.ly/warzone-for-beginners)

If you are the type of player who goes around answering newbies' questions, you can use this as a reference document. The Table of Contents at the top lets you link to specific sections (you can put the "#" part at the end after the https://bit.ly/warzone-for-noobs link instead of directly linking them to the long Google Docs link- for example, the Risky Attacks section can be linked to as either https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS5eO54w3LgnkcwbLqM3DhynuQGoChrPn313QXIMm0QZ3ApILPuvcunEdmG_nZflHKcfRwCpZfvHA8L/pub#h.pb65378y5jeo or just https://bit.ly/warzone-for-noobs#h.pb65378y5jeo). For some sections, I have already created convenience short-links:

- How to install the Warzone app: https://bit.ly/install-warzone
- Which clan do I join?: https://bit.ly/which-clan-to-join
- Why should I surrender?: https://bit.ly/surrender-etiquette

As you can tell, it is a somewhat opinionated guide- mostly to be helpful and direct rather than vague and wishy-washy. I try to link to other resources where possible, offering just enough information in the guide itself to plan the seed of helpful information but letting players know there is much more to explore out there.

I know many of you know a lot more about this game than I do, so your feedback, contributions, and suggestions would be greatly appreciated- either as replies to this thread, direct mail on this site (or on Discord), or as comments/suggestions on the gDoc. If you find the guide helpful, I would also appreciate it if you let me know what you found helpful so I know what works well.

Thanks! I hope we can build a useful, comprehensive resource for absolute newbies and help more of them find the beautiful competitive strategic scene of the game we all love.

Edited 3/22/2021 22:55:31
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 09:43:00

Level 61
This is... Extremely well-written. I cannot stress enough that a guide like this is exactly what was needed. There is a rather big divide between the casual and competitive scene. This looks like a perfect bridge. Starting at the very basics, ending in the strategic scene's competitions. I know I rarely compliment you, but sir Knyte, you've outdone yourself with this one. An outstanding read.
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 10:33:34

Level 61
the author of this document is affiliated with Optimum and Prime and has historic affiliation with CORP and Discovery/FCC. Only the Optimum/Prime recommendations are advertisements, though.

loved it
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 17:41:16

Level 65
Really amazing job.
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 17:54:40

Level 62
Well done Knyte! I like it!
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 23:26:45

Level 61
Amazing work, knyte! I wish I'd had a guide like this when I was starting, instead of needing to figure it all out on the go!
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-22 23:34:16

Level 65
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 00:06:22

Level 64
Great job, knyte, it's really good!
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 00:22:45

Level 63
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 00:23:47

Shia LeBooty
Level 62
Really good guide, on a side note, Def check out the P/R league scene at the end of the guide (I'm totally not biased)! ;)

Edited 3/23/2021 00:24:09
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 18:06:56

Level 60
Very very impressive. It takes a lot of time, losses, and experience to become the average player. This guide certainly helps!
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 19:21:29

Level 59
Great idea , excellent work ! Bravo !
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-23 23:09:11

NoName 2.1
Level 61
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-24 01:39:48

Coronel Gavilan
Level 59
Very impressive work knyte!! Also the clear format, the details. Thanks.
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-28 11:52:28

Level 48
Well done. More importantly Moop fully endorses and authorizes the use of his likeness in all images for the intent and purpose(s) of this guide.

-- Moop™
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-28 16:37:30

Level 60
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-29 05:00:00

Level 44
Anyone interested in co-editing? There's a bit of a rewrite I'm in the middle of but haven't made much progress. So far we need to make the guide more accessible, the examples more concrete, and the structure far less intimidating for beginners.

Would appreciate any help here. Don't worry if you aren't great at the game or lack confidence in your writing. You'll still do a lot of good.

If interested, please DM me (if you're wondering on which account, just pick any one or ping me on Discord at l4vr0v#2623) or simply reply to this thread. Thanks.
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-03-29 08:17:06

Level 63
very good job!!! thx
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-04-06 08:13:15

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
Hello l5v.r1v... are you working with knyte on this?

I am interested in helping at some point, but if your plans don't have the original author's blessing, then it would be a derivative project, which is not necessarily a deal-breaker,

as knyte's gift was freely given, and anything that helps the community and the game is welcome by me,
so long as everything is credited properly, transparent and accountable.

Best regards,

Dublin Warrior
Guide - Warzone For Beginners: 2021-04-07 08:48:10

Level 61
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