I confess, I'm a little confused.
Okay, let me explain.
Public reports
Lynch report:
[name] was hanged. He was a [alignment].
Kill report:
[name] was shot. He was a [alignment].
Kill report with witness:
[name] was shot. He was a [alignment].
[role] was a witness.
Successful save report:
[alignment] was saved by an unknown hero.
Successful save report with witness:
[alignment] was saved by an unknown hero.
[role] was a witness.
Private reports
Witness report:
[role] [action] [alignment].
[role] [kill action] [role].
[role] [no action].
Detective report:
Detective detects a [alignment]
Idiot report:
Detective detects a [flip coin/alignment]
Public reports - reports everyone sees in the thread after a day or night phase ends.
Private reports - only the players who played witness card or specific roles see.
Name - player name ofcourse
Alignment - mafia or neutral
Role - wiseguys, mademen, heroes, innocents, friends, detectives, idiots, prostitutes.
Action - role specific action made, ie save, block, kill, detection.
Kill action - lynch kill, night kill.
No action - sleeping soundly, ie inactive, blocked, no unanimous vote.
Flip coin - getting heads means true alignment, getting tails means false alignment.
((( Hang on! Is this still the first lynch? I'm confused )))
No, it's day 2, second lynch.
Edited 9/4/2014 22:13:28