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Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 05:50:47

Level 61
Hello there, don't mind the title it's just to catch your eye, it's an awesome game already.
I've personally loved the most recent community updates in the game but in my opinion there is still a lot of ways that it can be made even better.

I'm not going to try to convince anyone of the importance of community for the overall health of the game, it's rather obvious.
Perhaps the thread can stay around so others can add here and Fizzer can find something he likes and further develops.
Yes, I am aware of the uservoice, but it doesn't allow for an actual discussion.

Artifact and Idle item prizes in community made tournaments. Nothing much to explain here, for balance sake it probably should only be possible if you've actually bought them using coins and not gotten them for free on levels or raffles.

Clan chat raffle option. Another raffle option for clan only! It would make sense if clan managers had the option to turn it on and off. The prize should also be customizable (at least the preferred range, how often it happens and what are the pre-requisites to join). Where would the coinage for the raffle come from?

Clan chest is the answer.
Clan chest would be the so called bank of the clan where members can pool in different resources they've gotten by playing the game. A healthy mix of experience gained (perhaps even sacrificing the experience to advance the clan level?), donating coins/items/artifacts and winning CW games. To avoid bank and dump every member should probably take his donations with him when he leaves the clan. Why pool stuff together?

Clan advancements!
Everything from increasing the member cap to giving passive permanent boosts in Idle as long as you're in the clan could be an option. It could work much like phases work in Idle, where clans levelling up unlock new features.

I forgot about Clan Wars, give us the ability to rotate a single template please, something that can voted in every season and will become available when a certain threshold has been met (say 100 votes, and you can only vote if you won a CW game last season). To tie it with QM it could be that you can only vote in a template that you have unlocked on QM.

What do you guys think?

Edited 4/2/2021 06:17:40
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 05:53:34

Emperor Justinian
Level 53
I think you have too much time on your hands
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 05:54:10

Level 56
Interesting ideas, but how many clans would actually use this or be on board? Tsfh is different it seems from a majority of clans in that people in the clan would actually do something like this, but how many clans have people like that?
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 05:55:25

Level 56
In reference to the clan chest ^^
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 06:01:12

Level 61
I think you have too much time on your hands


Interesting ideas, but how many clans would actually use this or be on board? Tsfh is different it seems from a majority of clans in that people in the clan would actually do something like this, but how many clans have people like that?

A fair point, but isn't Fizzers plan to convert more people to play Idle and get some Idle players to try out WZC?
The passive boosts should definitely be worth the sacrifice in long term, otherwise it would be just a waste.
- downvoted post by The CCPee
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 13:29:15

Level 59
Another thought for the clan chest - what about tying it into clan activity?
So maybe we get a few coins added for certain things, or maybe the next raffle prize size is effected by how many play idle war, etc
Basically the idea being the more active members the better the clan chest and rewards. Hard work = better gains in a nutshell.
Make Warzone Great (Again)?: 2021-04-02 18:04:54

Level 61
How would you really calculate activity? Can't be the sum of 40 (lets go with this because Fizzer loves that number) of the most active members experience points in the last 30 days because Idle barely gives any experience.
Getting the formula down would be pretty hard tbh.
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