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Goodbye.: 2021-04-04 10:50:51

Level 40
Hello there.
Here Boka B. I was inactive for quite a while here because I did not had any intention of having any relationship with this game but I got a need to say everything that this game did to me.
Chapter 1:The Beginning
I first learned of this game purely randomly from the Google Play Store. I really liked it and decided to download it,not having any ideas what the future will bring. I think that I even uninstalled a few applications in order to get it.
At first I was disoriented as any new player in any game would be,but I soon grasped and started making games and joining them.
At first I was quite bad but I advanced quickly and quickly won a few team games and began advancing rapidly.
Chapter 2:The Golden Age
After the Internet was stabilized Warzone quickly became my full - time obsession and what
I call the Golden Age soon started.
It was characterized mainly by me making and playing team games with a narrow community of friends,many of which maybe even forgot me so far.
It was really fun. I was enjoying it and all that strategy that I and my teammates created and advanced was enough to make a big number of really enjoyable games. I liked to find new,fun maps to play with and some of my friends characterized it as a World Tour.
Unfortunately, not everything is that bright....
Chapter 3:The Fall Of The Golden Age
While I was never winning or being significant in them,I sometimes played diplomacy games. These are very popular in this relatively big community
and many people enjoy them. However, they were one of the main reasons why I left Warzone,but there still were even bigger ones!
Many players are seriously.... (censored) to say the least.
Like Russian Empire.
In one diplomacy game he was USA and I Mexico. He had too big demands on me and I had to invent my own kind of regime called ,,Glaucism". Ask him what is that,my time is expensive.
I may be partially responsible for my fall because I attacked him and talked of his evils but he is mostly because he wanted for all costs to destroy me even if I asked everyone for help. Nobody replied but one weak state.
Also,in another game where I was Denmark and UK got booted Ireland (Blind Bandit) had attacked me so evilly and threatened me without any respect despite the fact that I was just bringing truth and trying everything to survive. I eventually abandoned that one.
Also, some people here were making alternative accounts with the same username as me and said that I am gay despite the fact that I am not.
The facts that all these previous had wide supportshow that this community is dominated by mind - deformed morons and that this is just not the place for one over - intelligent being like me.
I would also like to warn of Kaiser GODKUNG who once said ,, Terrible Tidings" to me. That was shortly before my going away from here. Not long after that when I abandoned Warzone in February I got COVID-19. No idea how I got it since I was doing everything to save me. I passed through it well but I am still wary of the comments which he sent.
Also,the even bigger reasons are:
Chapter 4:The Fall Of The Golden Age 2
Over time Warzone consumed more and more of my time and it made me have serious headaches and so I had to set a ,,vacation" twice.
Some time near the border between the two years I deleted Warzone from my phone but kept playing it on my laptop and occasionally my mother's phone because of some problems.
However,after the second vacation ended in the January of this year,I decided to fully abandon Warzone because I simply had very important jobs to do and it took me so much time to play. As well as because of all the previous reasons.
Chapter 5: The Future
I will check a few times until the end of this day if someone said something here but in general do not have any intention of backing soon.
The next two months or something like that are probably the most important ones in my life and I must focus.
Who knows what will happen after that. Maybe I will have to change my home soon. Maybe I will be on the streets and asking for food. Maybe everything will stay the same or become better. I really hope the last one to be the case but it is completely unpredictable from this point.
I will pray to God for everything to be as I want. I hope you will also.
After that maybe I will consider backing here but again,it is too far away to be predictable. Also,the keyboard on my laptop is not working for some reason, which decreases the chances for that.
Please do not ban me as I am just releasing my feelings and trying to not do much harm towards others.
Please do not forget me.
Have a good day!

Boka B

Edited 4/4/2021 10:52:00
- downvoted post by Five Finger Death Punch
Goodbye.: 2021-04-04 15:37:53

Level 60
Dude why are you insulting the guy in his goodbye thread?
Goodbye.: 2021-04-04 15:55:13

Level 40
This is exactly one of the reasons why.
Have a good day!

Boka B
Goodbye.: 2021-04-04 18:31:50

Level 58
Hm... your thread was well written but I believe there is an elephant in the room here: You played 196 games and about 18 ranked ffa in the size of a classical diplo game.

Edited 4/4/2021 18:32:36
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 06:06:38

Level 40
That may well constitute much for my standards because they are usually played for much longer.
Also,I know for sure that there is at least one game of that type that was a real FFA.
Have a good day!

Boka B

Edited 4/5/2021 06:08:36
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 07:50:16

Level 61
Boka brate kakve ulice šta pričaš. Biće to sve uredu.
Igrao si najveći rak na warzone-u zvan diplo, gdje je puno kancerogenih, rasitičkih retarda.

Sretno u sledeća dva mjeseca!
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 09:30:05

Level 40
Желим ти пријатан дан!

Бока Б
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 09:43:56

Level 60
This post is now 100% more slavic (forgot the alphabets name)
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 09:58:12

Level 40
Cyrillic. It is very hard to forget,if not impossible.
Have a good day!

Boka B
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 15:29:34

Level 57
So this is the mf who rated my map 1/5 cuz I didn’t include Kosovo as part of Serbia

You won’t be missed, my friend :)
- downvoted post by Жұқтыру
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 16:29:41

Five Finger Death Punch
Level 55
Dont upvote it, I got a warning for it. "Unprovoked disrespectful" post apparently.
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 18:04:16

SEAD is all u NEAD
Level 51
Seems like you got a little taste but did not find the beautiful core of the game nor realize how much depth Warzone Classic has. When you inevitably return, give the strategic side of the game a try! Diplomacy can be fun as a form of wish fulfillment (you rule a powerful country! etc. etc.) but, like playing a video game with cheats enabled, it gets quite boring and repetitive very fast. And then you get distracted by petty drama like personal relationships with other players.

Meanwhile, strategic 1v1 and team Warzone is almost of the same caliber as chess. It has strategic depth, requires you to build intuition and some tactics in order to get good, has a vibrant and mostly non-toxic community, and is full of some rather smart people to learn and play with. It's hard at first because you will struggle to win against good players or parse their tactics but once you discover it a little bit it becomes far more enjoyable than diplomacy, FFA, etc., because there's just so much to learn and explore.

When you return, try this:
- If you're not already competent at Small Earth, play a few dozen Small Earth games until you feel like you have the basics down (https://bit.ly/SE-guide and https://bit.ly/warzone-basics might help)
- Once you understand Small Earth a little, do not try to perfect it! Small Earth is missing a lot of aspects of true strategic templates. Instead, graduate to Strategic 1v1, the lifeblood of the strategic scene, and skim Norman's guide: http://nghood.com/warlight/strategyguide
- Once you are at a decent level on Strategic 1v1 (i.e., you understand what Norman's saying in his guide even if you have a long way to go before applying it all), join the Multi-Template Ladder (http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/allplayers) and the 1 v 1 Ladder. The Multi-Template Ladder will pair you up with competitive players, show you a variety of templates (50 of them!), and immerse you into the strategic scene. Unlike the 1 v 1 Ladder, it's also safer to join the MTL when you are not yet competitively strong because Elo punishes you far less for having old non-expired losses than does Bayeselo (in Elo if you are 1500 with 100 losses or 1500 with 5 losses, you will be treated the same; not so much in Bayeselo, where the 100 losses will drag you down for a long time).

And of course, join the talkative and helpful community on the Warzone official Discord: https://discord.gg/6JMEZzXV5e

Good luck, I hope you get to experience the full beauty of this game someday instead of the dark side that Bechaa already warned you about, and Србија је већ починила превише злочина против човечности да би поставила право на било коју територију, а камоли на Косово*.

* for mod benefit: "Serbia has already committed too many crimes against humanity to claim the right to any territory, let alone Kosovo" (context: Boka downvoted Orannis's Serbia Strategic map for not including Kosovo)

Edited 4/5/2021 18:08:59
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 18:38:41

Pyotr Krasnov 
Level 46
I had a very bad experience with blind bandit as well in two of my diplo games, player is extremely toxic, tried to declare him PE for it and all the major nations refused to attack, so i decided to just leave the game.
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 18:40:00

Pyotr Krasnov 
Level 46
One of these players (rami) pretended to be loyal to me up until this moment and then backstabbed me, i’ve since grown a hatred to diplomacy games and have moved to team FFA games.
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 20:28:20

Level 56
Dont upvote it, I got a warning for it. "Unprovoked disrespectful" post apparently.

Same for "encouraging disrespectful behavior".

Edited 4/5/2021 20:54:22
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 20:44:44

Level 60
i dont get it why is disrespect punishable? to me it doesn't make sense as people would have varying versions of disrespect
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 20:57:12

Level 55
@goralgn: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/538554-fizzer-administration

See Fizzer's responses in that thread; they answer your question. The "disrespectful language" rule is to avoid toxic/rude behavior in public spaces, like Five-Finger Death Punch going on random threads and derailing them with insulting statements. Juq got caught in the crossfire for encouraging this behavior.

There are some concerns about Fizzer making incorrect/inaccurate statements in that thread a good few times* and some other suspicious behavior from moderators, but even if a moderator has a bone to pick with you and is looking for excuses to warn/suspend you (a la DanWL with Kenghis Ghan during the latter half of 2020**), you can trivially avoid moderation action over this vague rule by just not going out of your way to say things that will reliably make someone feel worse. The rules are still sensible enough that you can avoid trouble if you just stay nice and helpful.

* to avoid vagueposting, the biggest ones are about the KG warning for "excessive profanity" (which, per DanWL's mail to me, was given for using terms like "WTF" many times; Fizzer first denied the warning happened, then suggested there is more context that includes actual "excessive profanity" when we now know that the warning was just for repeated use of "WTF"/etc., and he also claimed that the moderator who did this had their powers removed without mentioning that said moderator- Anon- had their powers restored), the lotto/lottery filter (Fizzer justified Bobby's coin loss and suspension or warning- don't remember- by saying that the lottery filter does not work on "lotto"; Fizzer wrote the code to implement this filter so he knows that it indeed does work on "lotto" - https://i.imgur.com/uHTRXH6.png), and on the consistent enforcement of the "disrespectful language" rule (many statements that meet Fizzer's stated criteria for what is unacceptable disrespectful language were reported, with no action taken; there seems to be some hidden factor determining whether a disrespectful language post gets no action, a warning, suspension, or ban). There is enough confusing behavior going on that, in conjunction with the revelation of documented moderator abuse and Fizzer's attempt to cover it up, we can no longer take for granted that Fizzer or the other moderators of this site are behaving in good faith and consistently enforcing the rules in line with their stated purpose to create a healthy, non-toxic community. (This post is a canary. If you see it get deleted or force-hidden, then we know Fizzer and/or the moderators are indeed not acting in good faith and instead are openly creatively interpreting the rules to serve some unknown goal. I suspect they will not do anything, though, since clearly no rules are broken by this post & all of its claims of fact are well-documented, trivial to verify, and known to be true by the mods themselves.)

** this is not an accusation; DanWL is open about doing this. Please do not bother DanWL about this or say mean things about it. He recognizes it was unhealthy behavior and is working on it. Dan's a great guy when he doesn't get carried away like this, and we should have the kind of community that supports him as he finds the right path instead of judging him for straying on the wrong one.

Edited 4/5/2021 21:28:29
Goodbye.: 2021-04-05 21:19:17

Five Finger Death Punch
Level 55

Well warning me for my lighthearted comment is one thing, but for someone to get a warning for writing "upvoted" is bordering on insanity. I would go as far as to say if this was not done by Fizzer himself then he needs to seriously take a look at this specific moderator and reevaluate these permissions.
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