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Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-10 19:10:49

Master Jz 
Level 62
I posted a link to my spreadsheet in a thread response a few weeks ago. It's now been updated and enhanced.

I created a google spreadsheet for AP calculations and other things. It now has all of Phase 1, 2, and 3. It calculates how much AP it will cost for certain advancements. There is one column for you to enter your current advancements and another for desired advancements. Finally, there's a place for you to enter how much AP you have to spend. As you enter values for planned advancements, It will automatically update to tell you how much more you would have left to spend. Make a copy for yourself in order to fill in the values. I have the Phase 4 information but won't release it until I've unlocked Phase 4 (it is considered a spoiler).


It comes pre-loaded with a plan to spend 1009 AP. The AP amount available to spend is preset to the amount of AP you would gain from beating all levels exactly once (with no AP boosts). By filling in values for the Update Qty field (and leaving the Current field blank), you can quickly plan how to spend your AP for the first playthrough of all levels.

It also contains a sheet for mines, dig sites (some are not verified to exist), artifacts, and tips (Q/A). The Q/A tab has recommendations for artifacts, multi-level play, and how to spend AP. There is a link to a strategy guide (close to complete) that I've been working on for a while, which contains more detailed advice. The level AP sheet has values that are off by a very small amount, due to rounding error.

The documents will continue to be updated. The spreadsheet contains a link to itself on the AP tab, allowing you to return to my latest version from your downloaded copy to check for changes. You will need to create a new copy of the AP sheet in order to incorporate any new updates. I may also fine tune the AP spending suggestions with new recommendations on how far to update Mercs/Army Camps before beginning Phase 3.

Edit: Just fixed a small bug

Edited 4/10/2021 19:43:16
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-10 19:17:08

Level 63
Funny, we worked simultaneously on a similar spreadsheet and published it on the same day!
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-10 19:38:13

Level 59
Nice work.. both of you..
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-11 06:05:12

Master Jz 
Level 62
Funny, we worked simultaneously on a similar spreadsheet and published it on the same day!

Blame Muli for that. I've had the Phase 1-3 sheet for a few months now. I removed it from my public document because I was concerned about spoiler issues. At this point, I can't spoil Phases 1-3, so I figured I'd share it. I was also able to get my AP guide to a satisfactory point after seeing what was in Phase 4.
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-11 08:49:16

Level 63
@ Master Jz

the more knowledge we possess as a community, the better!

Edited 4/11/2021 11:41:24
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-15 08:54:19

Dj Storm
Level 59
@ Master Jz:
The dig for 37% common / 63% uncommon confirmed at 1 day 4 hours.
A few months ago I started writing down the various digs and times. Noticed some frequent grade combinations, then after an update said combinations no longer appeared. First lots of 100% commons appeared (probably more than half of the digs), then some new combinations. Thought that maybe some digs were added while others were removed.
Anyway that's not really a showstopper, since all dig times are ~1 epic/1000 hours - the small variations are due to rounding to nearest hour.
Currently the percentages for various grades might be rounded for display (although I doubt it), but the times are exactly full hours, rounded to nearest hour from the formula you found. Once more players unlock Level 4 advancements and start reducing dig times, one can check if the dig times are rounded then reduced proportionately (resulting in hours+minutes dig times), if they are reduced then rounded to nearest hour, or if they are rounded, reduced then rounded again.
Warzone Idle AP Spreadsheet and Tips: 2021-04-15 17:44:22

Master Jz 
Level 62
Marked it, thanks!

I suspect that they aren't rounded. I am guessing the percentages are fixed and dig time (in exact hours) is chosen based on that.
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