What's the difference between supporting the cause via GoFundMe vs just buying stuff natively on WZ? eg: buying a bunch of coins, SuperCamp, etc.
I think we already have an available format to support you/the game/the fight by buying directly in-game.
Maybe you could make some "Support the Cause" bundle of values from $1 to $100 with varied in-game rewards, some coins, some WZI powers. It'd probably get a lot of interest for both game value & supporting the fight.
Yeah, and I assume you or someone else corrected him. I see he added an update section to his article where he claims WarLight turned into WarLight 2 in 2017...
He was negotiating with Activision anyhow. Negotiations just broke down now. So he was asking for more money than Activision thinks this will cost. Or they're being assholes. Probably the latter, though it would be nice to know at which offer negotiations broke down.
This will truly be one of the few times ever where all of the community can come together, put aside the drama and the disagreements and unite under the same cause.