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Update 5.12.3: 2021-04-13 19:12:23

Level 64

Warzone Creator
- Website: Added link to gofundme from warzone.com homepage.
- Website: Added the "Support Warzone" bundles for sale at https://www.warzone.com/SupportWarzone
- All: When changing a player's color, the buttons are now colorized properly instead of all being gray.
- All: The end game dialog now has dividers between the sections to make it look nicer.
- All: Fixed tournaments allowing more than 40 players per game.
- iOS/Android: The Warzone Wheel no longer pops up while watching the latest turn of a game, to avoid spoiling that the game ended.
Update 5.12.3: 2021-04-13 19:24:23

Level 63
Both of the support packages are great deals! If you ever wanted to buy something on WZ, now is the time!

Support Warzone Bundle
3,000 Warzone Coins + a Multi-Level Warzone Idle Power! ($37 value)

Purchase for $19.99 https://www.warzone.com/Purchase?ID=31

SUPER Support Warzone Bundle
10,000 Warzone Coins + unlimited use of a new unique color, Blue with diagonal stripes! ($200 value*)

Purchase for $69.99 https://www.warzone.com/Purchase?ID=32

For anyone wondering, it looks like this:

* $100 dollars worth in coins + $100 for a premium exclusive color (both Smokey Black and Prison Green are/were $100)

Edited 4/13/2021 19:25:28
Update 5.12.3: 2021-04-13 23:05:28

Level 62
Nice. Would be even nicer if the price was $69.69 instead of $69.99.
Update 5.12.3: 2021-04-14 05:22:49

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Or $69.42(0)
Update 5.12.3: 2021-04-14 06:26:55

Level 60
if the bundle stays at 69.99$ until tomorrow I can pull some strings to buy it
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