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Picking Competition Event History: 2021-04-20 01:55:35

Roi Joleil
Level 60
The Picking Competition is a new Event where a set of Contestants compete against each other to try and make the best Picks on any Template. These picks will be afterwards Judged and a Winner will be determined.

These are the rules..
Once the events starts you will get pinged and a game with the board will be created. You are then to decide on your picks within 3 days of the game being created.
You are also to explain your picks. What your plan was and your idea with the individual picks.
You are going to pick against 3 other Contestant's with both Cycle outcomes being used to determine the best Player.

The Judge(s) will then go through each Pick outcome and determine which set is more preferable. They will score the outcome from +10 in favour of Contestant A to -10 in favour of Contestant B.

While scoring the Judge(s) will take into considerations of pick information and/or their lack of.

The Picking Competition is still going through improvements. After each Stream we look back and try to improve the next one. If you wanna help with that feel free to join the Discord Server. Link is at the bottom.

Here is a quick history of the „Picking Competition“.
So far 2 events were streamed.

In our first Picking Competition Stream the template was Biomes.
If you wanna rewatch that stream feel free to watch this Video.

Besides me during the stream was Alexclusive. We were discussing the Picks from our Contestants. These were Platinum, Beep Beep Jeep, Drama and Gakbobo.
After a long Stream this was the final Result between all Contestants.

Picking Competition Event History: 2021-04-20 01:55:53

Roi Joleil
Level 60
With the following Pickset being the Winner.

Picking Competition Event History: 2021-04-20 01:56:21

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Congratulations to Platinum for his Win.

After this Stream a few Improvements were taken. For one we would view actual games rather than screenshots to easier visualise the picks.
Secondly we now made all Contestants Anonymous. This reasoning was due to the introduction of Bots / NN for the next Picking Competition wich was going to be with 7 Contestants.

Those Contestants include Alexclusive, BBJ, Ursus and Nature.
Aswell as my training group „Jentlement“.
And Finally two Bots. One of wich was created by BBJ and the other was an NN made by Derfellios. This NN tried to find a Pickset that would be best suited against all other 6 Picksets. It didn't quiet succed.

We also went through a few extra Pickset in the stream that didnt participate in the scoring that were however worth mentioning. The following were from Phobos who decided to write a wall of text. A bot from Justin and myself.
And finally again the NN from derf. What was interesting is that the first three picks made by that NN were exactly the same to BBJ picks.

If you want to rewatch this Stream...

The final Outcome was...

Picking Competition Event History: 2021-04-20 01:56:35

Roi Joleil
Level 60
With the following Pickset being the Winner.

Picking Competition Event History: 2021-04-20 01:56:50

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Congratulations to BBJ for his Win.

If you want to Participate in any further Picking Competition simply join this Discord Server.

-Btw yes i created a new Post every time so you can scroll below the Picture to see everything. maybe there is an easier way and im stupid-

Edited 4/20/2021 01:57:49
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