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Strategie Tournament Stream with a Twist: 2021-04-24 20:43:58

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Tomorrow i will Stream once again with another Idea that may become a regular format.
What is it about?

A random Template from the MTL (currently) is chosen. Whatever Template will get chosen will then get added a small twist wich will change the way you have to approach and play it.
The rest will remain unchanged.

The Stream will start at 8PM UTC +2 with the Stream starting 30 Minutes earlier.

The Template and Twist will be decided tomorrow on stream. In order to keep it random i have created 2 Random Wheels to decide.
That being said is that yes it could be possible for completly unplayable things to be chosen. I will decide wether or not to use it during the stream.

The Current Templates are as follows..
Baltic Sea
Battle Islands V
Battle for Middle Earth
Biomes of America
Black Sea
Blitzkrieg Bork
British Raj
Cat Fight
Elitist Africa
Fast Earth
Final Fantasy 7
French Brawl
Georgia Army Cap
Great Lakes
Greater Middle East III
Greece LD
Hannibal at the Gates
MA Battle Islands V
MME MA+LD Light Fog
Macedonia no split
Master Mania
Pangea Ultima
Phobia WR
Post-melt Antarctica
Randomized Strat ME
Saudi Arabia
Strat ME
Strat MME
Strategic Greece
Timid Lands
Treasure Map
Turkey LD
Unicorn Island
Volcano Island
World of Warhammer
Yorkshire Brawl

The Twists to them are as follows..
[Time] Bullet Time Control
[Card] Rein, OP, DC, Block
[Card] Sanction, Gift
[Card] Bomb, OP
[Card] Recon, Rein, DC
[Card] +Rein
[Card] +Sanction
[Card] +Bomb
[Card] +Recon
[Card] +1Card Piece
[Card] Can't hold Cards
[Dist] +1 Start Territory
[Dist] +5 Wastelands
[Dist] +1 Start Units
[Dist] +2 Start Warlord
[Fog] No Fog
[Fog] Light Fog
[Fog] Normal Fog
[Fog] Dense Fog
[Fog] Heavy Fog
[Fog] Complete Fog
[Setting] MA
[Setting] Commerce
[Setting] Commanders
[Setting] AC
[Setting] LD
[Setting] NS
[Setting] 85/55 Killrates
[Setting] 70/80 Killrates
[Setting] Extra Army for every 2 Territories
[Setting] Base Income +1
[Setting] WR
[Setting] SR
[Setting] Set All Bonus Value +1
[Setting] Set All Bonus Value -1
[Setting] Set Half Bonus Value to 0
[Setting] No Army must Stand Guard
[Mod] Pick Swap
[Mod] Randomized Bonus

If you have ideas that can be added feel free to comment. If its a Template link the Template.
Strategie Tournament Stream with a Twist: 2021-04-25 17:18:51

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Stream Started:

Tournament starts in 50min:

Turkey LD

Extra Setting:
Half Boni Set to 0
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