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WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 14:14:04

Level 63
I'm using the standalone client most of the time and only watch adds when I happen to open it on mobile. It's too much of a hassle to keep paying attention to. I also think it would be fair to provide the same bonus to the standalone client ad-free because we already pay for it with the subscription.

You're suggesting that members get no ad +20% for free.

It's been discussed by players a few times (myself included) but never seen a response from Fizzer. Imho, doesn't make sense to push WZ=platform of multiple games, WZC+WZI (WZI main, WZIB, WZIC, etc), but then have Membership get you benefits in only WZIC.

But let's be honest, if this were implemented, while we may have grandiose ideas of what additional member benefits we might receive (net new free stuff), but it could well be that member benefits would end up just taking away already free stuff from from the game from non-members and leaving it free for members (so no net new gain for Members) -- similar to "Stats", we lost some free stats, but also gained the ability to buy (AP) additional stats. Or similar to "Levels" or Bomb cards in WZC. So be careful what you (we) ask for.
WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 14:51:59

Level 21
Yeah I'm not suggesting we get additional perks, just being able to skip the ad I think would be fair (and not having to log into the mobile app for it would be practical). It's a pretty common thing in mobile games. Difference is that here the bonus is relatively small and the game is very playable whereas most mobile games are an absolute pain. So compared to that it is a small nuisance. Still, it would be nice if there would be some way to claim the bonus in the standalone app. Either with ad or still requiring to click the button but without the ad.

Besides, the sign-up page for membership mentions:

"Warzone is a free-to-play indie game. As a Warzone member you can play without advertisements and also unlock some additional features for you to use. Thank you for supporting the game by purchasing membership!"

Which makes it a bit weird that we are still required to watch ads for that specific bonus.

Edited 4/29/2021 14:55:19
WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 15:30:35

Level 25
I would like to see 6 hours boost per ad for members and keep it at 4 hours for non members.
WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 15:43:08

Level 63
Why so negative krinid?

Fizzer also managed to improve the active artifacts without ruining the passive artifacts, so why wouldn't he be able to do the same for memberships?

As for some cool member benefits:
  • +10% AP (would also make membership worth it for idle-only players)
  • more cool stats (# of chat messages is both clan and global chat would be nice)
  • more trusted mods, so more mods can be used for tournaments
  • 1 free ad-skip a day (either for the coin wheel or the army camp bonus)
  • discount when making tournaments or games (-5% tax?)
  • WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 17:59:41

    Level 63
    Was I negative? My bad ... to be clear, I think Fizzer does a great job, after all it is a 100% F2P game.

    Fizzer also managed to improve the active artifacts without ruining the passive artifacts, so why wouldn't he be able to do the same for memberships?

    No reason he couldn't, I'm just pointing out that in all the time that WZI has been around, that he hasn't, and if were to, it might not be straight-up net new benefits (like 'Stats'). I could also point out the times he has given stuff for free but didn't have to (Clan Wars, WZIB rewards, free stuff for installing WZI app, tournaments with WZI powers as prizes, etc, and of course the oldies like raffles & coin wheel).

    So in a sense, (hypothetically) taking away something that is free isn't even taking something away. It's just no longer providing it for free, which isn't the same.

    Perhaps part of it is that he just hasn't come back to show a response and provide an opinion on whether he even agrees that membership should apply in some capacity to WZI, so imaginations run wild on what is really going on.
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 18:02:43

    Level 64

    Warzone Creator
    Membership is really a Warzone Classic thing, kinda like how the Super Camp is a Warzone Idle thing.

    While there is some overlap in some Warzone features, there are also some features that are specific to each game.
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:13:09

    Level 63
    Appreciate the response. And fair. Tbh, anyone who acquired membership did so without any expectation of future WZ-umbrella games. However as someone pointed out (forget who said it), the branding is confusing/misleading.

    Ad-Free Play Members never have to see an advertisement on Warzone.

    So if WZ now refers to both WZC & WZI, then this and other site verbiage indicates that the free ads and other benefits apply to both.
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:16:56

    Level 63
    The ad free part only applies to ad that are forced upon you.

    Since you "volunteer" to watch the ad by clicking the button, its your own fault you are seeing that ad.
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:30:12

    Level 63
    Technically, yes, "never have to" could be interpreted in that manner, but it's also a valid interpretation that members would never see advertisements regardless of the circumstances. It could just be reworded to be clear.

    Actually now that you mention it ... the Coin Wheel is the same scenario, isn't it? Members still see those ads. And I don't think non-members get ads on the app either (but been too long since I've been a non-member to remember if there were any) ... so it's not a WZI thing at all, and it's actually specifically a bypass of ads while playing on the website. Anyhow, doesn't change the fact that it's not clear.
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:31:08

    Level 59
    There’s ads on the app (iOS at least) when a non-member
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:32:52

    Level 63
    Non-members do get ads on the mobile phone:
  • Every time you start a SP level, you get a 15 second or so full screen ad
  • On the MP dashboard there is a banner ad on top

    Fizzer doesnt show ads on active MP games, since that would disrupt the gameplay (and give an advantage to paying players)

  • Edited 4/29/2021 22:51:53
    WZI Member benefits: 2021-04-29 22:33:58

    Level 64
      There’s ads on the app (iOS at least) when a non-member

    Same for Android

    Edited 4/29/2021 22:34:35
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