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Something I'd like to see/use AP/coins for: 2021-05-02 12:24:21

Level 61
So I think this would be a heavily used feature for me, and i wouldn't expect it for a default.

Clicking on all the techs I have open and remembering I needed 53 tin cans here, 27 tin cans there and 60 platinum over here and which ones that was makes my brain hurt. Oddly, it's one of my favorite parts of the game. I'm complicated..

What I would love to see would be for a "shopping list" listing/button for all items needed for open techs (not the underlying recipes)

So, in example above, it would say:
80 tin can (53+27)
60 platinum
~ etc
Something I'd like to see/use AP/coins for: 2021-05-02 13:55:38

Level 25
So what you effectively want is more or less the recipe statistics (Statistics advancement Level 3) but not a column for "(all) Techs need", but more a "some subset of techs need" column where you can specify which techs to include? And I don't get how items differ that much from recipes (quote: "not the underlying recipes")

Either way, to me this sounds overly specific for your personal needs and not of great value for everyone else.
Something I'd like to see/use AP/coins for: 2021-05-02 14:12:43

Level 61
I just want to know I currently need 534 total welding rods for visible techs, and only have 316 crafted. Same info as provided in an individual tech, but spanning all of the ones I'm working on since 4 different techs may be waiting on welding rods.

Currently, I'm adding in my head after clicking on 10 different techs and writing on a piece of paper.

Are you saying that's already available?
Something I'd like to see/use AP/coins for: 2021-05-02 14:43:42

Level 63
the stats 3 advancement doesnt show currently owned of the items, and also has a bunch of stats i dont care about.

it would be great if Fizzer added an "owned" column, and also added the option to enable and disable columns so people can select which stats are relevant to them.
Something I'd like to see/use AP/coins for: 2021-05-02 14:57:49

Level 25
I just want to know I currently need 534 total welding rods for visible techs, and only have 316 crafted. Same info as provided in an individual tech, but spanning all of the ones I'm working on since 4 different techs may be waiting on welding rods.

There is the Statistics advancement that you can unlock with AP. On Level 3 you get the Recipe Statistic with some useful information. With Level 4 the whole tech tree gets revealed. For what you ask for you might want to have Level 3 but not Level 4, because together with Level 4 the Recipe Statistics sum up all the techs, even those that you can't unlock yet. Given you have 300 APs to spend, you might want to test if the Recipe Statistic perhaps already is what you were looking for.
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