1v1: 346 / 407 (85%)
3 player FFA: 1 / 1 (100%)
4 player FFA: 2 / 7 (29%)
5 player FFA: 0 / 2 (0%)
6 player FFA: 1 / 4 (25%)
7 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
8 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
I really want to know how he has 85% 1v1 and plays that poorly. That's the opponent in the first link.
Turn 4 was a disaster.
Turn 5 was as well. He wasn't finishing East Africa, there was absolutely no reason to deploy there and let himself potentially die off in Scandi.
Hitting Mali on turn 6 was a waste of armies, he couldn't possibly get anywhere near Africa from Scandi that quickly.
I am no master at this game by any means but the number of repeated mistakes they made makes me wonder just how terrible the people they beat 85% of the time are.
MAQUINA BELICA v Noobs Thread: 2013-03-02 18:04:00
Scorched Earth, I think that this guy is actually a really good player. And as for the first guy's mistake, turn 4 is an understandable one, he just assumed Maquina would only deploy 1-2 there and hoped to eliminate him from Russia. It was not a great move, but at the same time, I wouldn't say it was a disaster. Turn 5, 12v8 usually doesn't work, bad luck for him I think. Many good players would play it the same way he did I believe. Turn 6, He just plays bad, not sure on that one. But I would say that guy is every bit as good as you, in my opinion, a bit better. If I had to guess on Maquina, I would say Gui, but that is just my best guess. It is a good player either way, probably top 10 in the ladder with his older account if he is a member.
MAQUINA BELICA v Noobs Thread: 2013-03-08 04:49:30
This player picks sensibly, gets themself into a worse position before turn 6 and then worms their way out. I dont know who it is, i googled maquina belica and got nowhere. I am more than willing to believe its gui.
MAQUINA BELICA v Noobs Thread: 2013-03-08 05:09:22
>references to historical stuff like ancient egyptians
>good play midgame, relying on lots of prediction
>average picking
>multi acc
>posting on forum
>cutesy misspelling of words like mowse
>"Game Won But No Win" something gui is often quick to acknowlege
>challenge thread
I smell a gui...
no idea what to make of him giving himself a WM tag. English is too good for most top WM members.
MAQUINA BELICA v Noobs Thread: 2013-03-08 13:31:50
How many games is he going to win? 21-0 so far, which is pretty impressive no matter who you are playing. And he's playing some decent players. And he's not stalling because they are all realtime. Keep it up Maquina! If you win 50 in a row, I'll play you if you want :)
MAQUINA BELICA v Noobs Thread: 2013-03-09 03:05:18