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What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-18 18:27:40

Level 62
See I just came up with an idea for a game we could play. Name what the person who last chatted would be a god of. For example, Odin is the god of knowledge, Thor is of thunder, and Athena is of the strategy side of war.

I may or may not use ideas here for my pantheon in a story I am writing.

Edited 5/18/2021 18:50:37
What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-18 18:32:58

Level 62
I'll go first. I know this sounds weird, but I think parenthood is what I would be this for three reasons: 1. I'm always tired and I hear that's a common trait for parents. 2. I run a clan and in a weird way I see my clanmates as my children. 3. I feel that srotytelling is an important part of parenthood since it can do many things, and I feel that I am quite good at storytelling.

Edited 5/18/2021 18:50:16
What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-18 18:46:56

Level 50
God of adapting. (Adapt is the meaning of my Chinese name)
What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-18 18:47:35

Level 50
-- deleted --

Edited 5/18/2021 19:47:55
What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-18 20:04:01

Darth Grover
Level 52
God of Doughnuts
What God Would You Be?: 2021-05-19 00:57:33

Level 57
God of the middle ground, mediocrity, fairness, that sort.
Posts 1 - 6 of 6