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Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-20 19:56:12

Level 56
After purchasing all the troops from a mercenary camp, it would be nice if they were removed from the map and list of mercenary camps on the main tab. On the later levels, we have access to 30+ mercenary camps and they take up a sizable amount of space to scroll through to get the final bottoms ones. After the all the troops are purchased from a mercenary camp they don't serve any use anymore, except just to be in the way.

Already dig sites, arenas and caches are removed from the map when they are depleted, why not mercenary camps also?
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-21 00:36:13

Level 60
+1, the scrolling does get annoying.
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-21 00:46:33

Level 59
Maybe a button like “hide/show empty mercenary camps” could help with this.
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-22 05:37:06

Level 25
Or just have the empty ones move to the bottom of the list.
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-23 07:35:46

Level 60
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-27 07:33:23

Level 33
Good idea! +1
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-05-28 21:54:03

Level 63
+1, too much scrolling
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-06-01 20:42:23

Level 63
Actually a +/- open/close box would be great for all items in each menu.

By default all are open. But hit "-" to close Army Camps so it's just a title "+ Army Camps" then click it again to get "- Army Camps" with the full 20-30 rows.

Same for Hospitals & Mercs and mines & smelters & crafters, etc.

All in all, there is TOO MUCH SCROLLING through the menus in this game. This would greatly improve the usability of the UI imho.
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-06-01 20:44:43

Level 63
+1 to krinid as well
Suggestion: Remove Empty Mercenary Camps: 2021-06-02 13:38:19

Dj Storm
Level 59
+1 to Krinid. Good solution to improve the UI.
In the beginning of a game, I upgrade the army camps and hospitals. Mid game I fogbust the map and conquer the remaining army camps and hospitals, upgrading where it's beneficial. So far mercenary camps can be minimized. Mine upgrades usually happen only up to this point.
Late in the game I no longer need to upgrade army camps and hospitals, and can minimize them. Mines too, so it's less scrolling to mercenaries and unclaimed powerups/digging sites.
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