If you're familiar with discrete event simulators (like the internals of Verilog), each order delay card creates a new "phase" for orders to execute in. (
Scenario 1: (assuming A has first move)
A: plays order delay ->
A's future moves will be on OD1 phaseB: plays order delay ->
B's future moves will be in OD1 phaseA: makes attack
B: makes attack
B: makes attack
So this is what happens under the hood:
Normal phase: no moves
OD1 phase:
- A's attack
- B's first attack
- B's second attack
Scenario 2: (assuming again that A has first move)
A: makes attack
A: plays order delay -> A's future moves will be in OD1
B: plays order delay -> B's future moves will be in OD1
B: makes attack
A: makes attack
A: makes attack
Normal phase:
- A's first attack
OD1 phase:
- B's first attack (per the wiki, both playing OD cards is equivalent to neither playing an OD card. I'm inferring from that that move order doesn't reset between phases, but it might- I haven't tested this)
- A's second attack
- A's third attack