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A Game will not let me skip that level: 2021-06-14 17:56:03

Level 23
I've played and lost to "The Frenzy Lumberjack Duo" game more than 25 times and the game will not let me skip this level (actually, I think I may have played this game nearer to 50 times). I can't find any options to skip this game and... I'm really frustrated that I can't escape...
I play on my desktop PC and I wonder if there is there any way I can option OUT of the game and get to the next level?

Edited 6/14/2021 20:16:12
A Game will not let me skip that level: 2021-06-17 05:58:35

Level 56
Not sure, but I think you have a limited number of level skips. If you have previously skipped other levels, try and go back and beat one of them to make that skip available. Seemed to work for me.
A Game will not let me skip that level: 2021-07-01 10:30:10

Level 56
If you are still having trouble try this. Initial placement bordering Joe should be 5-6-6-5.

Turn 1 First orders move up 1 reinforcement to each Birchgrove and Fox Land from Blackberry Patch and Tulip Canyon
Second orders move up 1 reinforcement to each Tulip Patch and Goldland from Grapewood and Blueberry land
Third orders move 1 to Olive Canyon and Oak Park from Wolf Valley and Rabbitpark
Last orders attack West Cabin Path from Goldland and Birchgrove, Blueberry Grove from Foxland , Foxwood from Tulip Patch

That should have allowed a successful defense and should have taken one of his territories breaking his bonus, if not restart.

Turn 2 You cannot allow Joe to win a single battle or he will get the big reinforcement card. Add reinforcements each to Olive Canyon and Oak Park and reinforce where necessary to defend and counterattack Joe.

First orders take both neutrals Tulip Hollow and Blackberry Canyon.
Second orders counterattack Joe everywhere with everything.

Turn 3 reinforce to defend and counterattack Joe to eliminate him largest stack should probably be on Blueberry Hill, any extra reinforcements on Tulip Hollow.

First orders take both neutrals Bank Bridge and Lilly Garden
Second orders eliminate Joe.

Turn 4 Place most or all reinforcements on Bank Bridge and a few on Lily Garden to keep moving. Ignore the 20 territories.

First order attack Rushing Rock, If you do not take this, or take it and lose it in counterattack, restart, but you should be able to hold it.
Second order take Downstream Caradon

After that reinforce Rushing Rock and continue to punch through the southern route to take the Rocky Bridge of Caradonia. Hans will have to defend 4 places to your 2 allowing you to selectively break him down. Hans is close to getting the big reinforcement card, you can lose a few battles to him, but not many. This will not win you a gold star, but it works to win the map.

Edited 7/1/2021 10:30:32
A Game will not let me skip that level: 2021-07-21 23:35:17

Level 23
Thanks for the replies. I'll try the stratgies posted to answer my question... hopefully I'll be able to beat this game... Finally.
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