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How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 04:46:34

Level 57
Single-Player is very unpopular. What do you think would make it more fun?
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 04:47:42

Level 59
I feel like a weekly featured community level that actually gives EXP.
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 04:49:01

Level 62
And maybe make more interesting levels, especially if they incorporate a special gimmick, like Orannis's Zambia map or make a special flaw that is exploitable once you find it.
I admit that would be difficult, but still cool!

Edited 6/28/2021 04:49:26
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 05:00:23

Level 59
maybe a feature called overriding connections would be nice
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 10:22:47

Level 57
And maybe make more interesting levels, especially if they incorporate a special gimmick, like Orannis's Zambia map or make a special flaw that is exploitable once you find it.
I admit that would be difficult, but still cool!

There are few "interesting" things you can do with SP levels.
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=1336136 has troop spawning bosses which can't move
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=1307074 randomly turns your territories to wastelands and supports enemy
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=1297725 gradually multiplies your income
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=889143 forbids you from playing, but you have to airlift your AI instead

The problem is, how to make creators make more "interesting" levels and how to make players notive them.

Edited 6/28/2021 10:23:22
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 10:36:30

Level 64
Make AI surrender when it has clearly lost
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 10:42:02

Level 63
SP sucks cause the AI needs to be given a massive advantage at the start of the game to combat the AI's lack of Intelligence. This makes SP games about playing the AI in a way that exploits its if-statements and not about skill.

Having a better AI would help SP levels a lot. (And with an AI with Intelligence, maybe it will finally be smart enough to surrender....)
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 11:30:56

Level 61
Some people play single player only tbh.
How to make Single-Player not suck: 2021-06-28 11:41:28

Level 57
AI can have some core attributes like:
rise : attack ratio
expansivity (low number = takes one bonus at time, big number = overexpansion)
agressivity for <10 armies (don't attack enemy territory unless you have X times more armies)
agressivity for >=10 armies (don't attack enemy territory unless you have X times more armies)
how much it splits armies in deployment (if LD, then there would be two attributes: in bonus and global)
how much it splits armies in attack (not in NS)
percentage of income used for delays, if bordering enemy and income highier than X

Level creator could choose this attributes and even set variance of these attributes to increase (eliminate) randomness.

Than the AI can learn:
flag bonuses as "lost" if AI thinks it can't get it, deploy at most X armies in territories there (set by level creator)
blockade in "lost" bonuses for (bonus value * X armies, X set by level creator) if territory doesn't border enemy
detect negative sanctions
play emergency blockades in "lost" bonuses on territory bordering enemy with X times more armies
play airlifts (choose biggest transfer which doesn't got to front as origin, destination would be random territory bordering enemy in not "lost" bonus)
play order delay with chance of X%
If attacking enemy and teammate doesn't attack that territory, set attack teammate ON
In "lost" bonus, if not emergency blockading and enemy can take the bonus next turn, gift random territory to enemy's teammate.
(this one might be hard to code, but detect attacks you want to carry out as 1st order, play them 1st order and play order priority card)

Allow level creator turn off some tactics.
Move order would be like this:
1) 1st order attacks
2) transfer to front
3) [DELAY] to front
4) [DELAY] from front to front
5) transfer and [DELAY]
6a) attack neutral
6b) [DELAY] from front to not-front
7) attack player
Level creator can choose order of 6a and 6b

Also, make surrender conditions:
if my team's total amount of armies + income*X is highier than everyone else's total amount of armies + income*X for at least Y turns, surrender.

I think everything stated above can be added in game within reasonable amount of time spend coding. When creator makes new level, attributes could be randomised in "reasonable" bounds, that would make AI style less learnable. Creator then can further modify them, eventually making decent AI for their level.
This also allows players to discover which set of attributes works the best leading to AIs in Multi-Player being improved.

Schematic above is a draft. If you think that such update would be really cool, say so. If enough people say so, I will create a new thread (and discord) to nail down the conditions and tactics. I will probably need help with picking attributes, because that is something I don't know how to generalise.
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