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Random Warlords Mod: 2021-06-29 00:08:01

Level 61
Due to variances with quirky bonus systems can you make a safe mod that allows a given number of random territories to be distributed? Such as input 20 out of 110 territories and your distributed a random set of 20 territories?
Random Warlords Mod: 2021-07-03 18:17:28

Level 63
You can achieve this result by putting all territories in the distribution, and setting a high number of wastelands.

With [total number of terr - number of terr in distribution] wastelands of size [neutral terr size] you can get a fully random distribution
Random Warlords Mod: 2021-07-03 18:20:38

Level 61
I know what you're saying. Do you think this would work for that template i created with the bug that prevented me from creating that game?
Random Warlords Mod: 2021-07-03 18:22:01

Level 63
It would, since that bug only existed for the Warlords distribution, and not for the other 3 types of distribution. (So the full distribution would work just fine.)

Did you ever report that bug to Fizzer btw?

Edited 7/3/2021 18:22:34
Random Warlords Mod: 2021-07-03 18:22:49

Level 61
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