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Remove all bonuses & connections with API?: 2021-07-21 19:46:55

Level 63
Look at JK pumping his Ugly Shapes map again! (;
Remove all bonuses & connections with API?: 2021-07-23 00:15:05

Level 56
I haven't figured out a good way to automatically remove all connections and bonuses. The way of adding one extra rectangle didn't work for me.
Remove all bonuses & connections with API?: 2021-07-30 15:18:42

Level 56
Feature request: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/43882944-duplicate-a-map-version-without-inheriting-the-con

There are so many feature requests on that site. I searched but I am not sure if similar idea had been proposed.

Edited 7/30/2021 15:28:02
Remove all bonuses & connections with API?: 2021-08-03 19:13:02

Level 63
Weirdly enough adding a rectangle didnt remove anything for my new map, so maybe you could try changing all the territory IDs?

Replace all 1s with 11s so you get new IDs, which will make WZ lose the old connections and bonuses (but also territory names), since WZ sees them as new territories and sees the "old" territories have been removed.

Edited 8/3/2021 19:13:20
Remove all bonuses & connections with API?: 2021-08-03 22:52:04

Level 56
Changing all territory IDs seem to remove the connections. The old connections don't re-appear even after I change the territory ID back to the original IDs.

However the old bonuses are still there. Before I change the territory ID, the bonus contain 1 territory. After I change and reset the territory IDs, the bonus is still there but contains no territory. That makes manually deleting the bonuses easier.
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