Spoiler: doing the spin is artificial, we get the reward after playing the ads even before doing the spin. I know it because one time after watching the ads before doing the spin I switched to WZI and get the reward page. Of course when I switch back to WZC and did the spin the Idle reward match that reward.
Of course it's artificial. Let's be realistic, this is a digital construct, so it's only ever going to be a series of categories (# of coins + WZI power) with weighted averages and a random # indicating what you won, and then a visual graphic to dramatize it.
The wheel spinning is the equivalent of the sand undercovering an artifact, just a bit of dramatization.
Spoiler: when playing WZC and you review the moves made during a turn, all those unit movements, arrows, etc, are also
artificial, the real units (and attacks/transfers/etc) are just numbers in a database.