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Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 15:47:35

Level 25
I can add common and uncommon:

I assume poor to be 1%
Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 15:49:20

Level 64
Fair assumption for Poor

I’m guessing Leg and Ins are 12/14%
Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 15:50:55

Level 63
I'm glad i never took my hospital artifact to epic, such a minor improvement for the cost of 4 rare artifacts....
Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 15:55:45

Level 63
that is one of the worse nerfs so far
Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 15:56:34

Level 64
It is painful.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-16 17:26:28

Level 25
And Hospital Boost never was way overpowered. 64% on Insane-level is still reasonable. Because that isn't 64% of all the armies, but 64% of the original savings.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-17 01:03:51

Level 58
Can confirm, poor = 1%
Update 5.14: 2021-08-18 08:02:41

Level 22
The hospital nerf definitely sucks. Now I'll probably take it to Rare and not bother past that.

My biggest gripe with this update is the UI. I would love an option to choose which UI you want. Having to click on each one or squint on a small phone to find which level I want is frustrating and adds unnecessary complications in my opinion.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-18 18:47:36

Level 64
Updated main post to include possible Mercenary Nerf.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-19 03:49:18

Tulsi 2020 
Level 62
Has anyone confirmed that super power Inspire Mercenaries actually pays out?
Update 5.14: 2021-08-23 04:15:33

Level 25
I'm only getting 30% for Couch Potato, but others have said it's 50%.

Wondering if it's just me or if it changed.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-23 04:24:55

Level 63
I'm only getting 30% for Couch Potato, but others have said it's 50%.
Wondering if it's just me or if it changed.

It's a 30% bonus. The reference to 50% is that it's a 50% increase. It used to be 20%, so +50% = 30%.

Has anyone confirmed that super power Inspire Mercenaries actually pays out?

Confirmed, using an IM consumes 5 IMs and gives 10x the value of the single target merc camp you select. So choose wisely!

And Hospital Boost never was way overpowered. 64% on Insane-level is still reasonable. Because that isn't 64% of all the armies, but 64% of the original savings.

Exactly . . . I felt it was underpowered tbh, notably in the lower levels. Rare now @ 8% means if you save 100M, you save 108M, which is pretty small imho.

Edited 8/23/2021 04:28:40
Update 5.14: 2021-08-27 18:53:23

Level 25
So, I'm just doing all the hardened levels for their special rewards. And so I now have the improved draft indicators. I clearly noticed the higher frequency of the indicator. But can someone point me to the answer, in which way they got "bigger"? Does that mean the line is now thicker (more visible on low zoom scales)? Or is the circle at its max covering a larger area? I can't say that I noticed either of these effects. So, to me it seems as if just the frequency got improved. I mean, the higher frequency alone is really nice and helps a lot (the animation starts every 10 seconds and lasts/grows for 6, so half the time you will see something moving, even at a short glimpse). And the rate of growth seems pretty much the same as before. Sadly, I never checked those timings on the original indicators, because I hadn't known back then that it would be good to know these details before I got the improved version.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-27 18:58:31

Level 63
3 differences:
- more frequent, every 5 secs instead of 30 secs
- circles move faster
- circles move farther

I didn't accurately measure the last 2, but I know on certain maps that certain pings simply didn't reach where I was looking, for example on Europe Huge, a draft ping in East Russia would never have reached Scandinavia before, now it does.

In order to facilitate the farther distance and repeat every 5 secs, it moves quicker.

Before I found I had trouble finding draft pings, now I have trouble missing them. (; They just appear on the screen almost regardless of where I'm looking - which is good, that's the purpose of the circles to begin with imho.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-28 18:15:14

Level 22
It’s a good thing that draft becomes easier to find but to be honest I really don’t see the point of having draft potions moving around the screen. Imo there should be a fixed button lightning up when you can collect.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-30 00:57:41

Level 59
can you add the tiny detail that stacks multiplied by x1.5 on average?
Update 5.14: 2021-08-30 00:59:31

Level 64
What do you mean?
Update 5.14: 2021-08-30 01:03:43

Level 59
i tried comparing the armies between old Orbis and new Orbis when I fogbusted the whole map and I discovered that the stacks went from 236.3B to about 350B .
Update 5.14: 2021-08-30 01:05:34

Level 64
Fizzer redistributed all the maps. It’ll be inconsistent across the board. No way to verify, and don’t want to post misleading info.
Update 5.14: 2021-08-30 01:05:52

Level 59
well, ok.
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