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Medium Earth League: 2021-08-12 05:03:52

Nice Guy 
Level 62
What is Medium Earth League?
I competition between players. Players play strategic 1v1 games on Medium Earth and Modified Medium Earth maps.

Which kind of games?
10 of games will be Strat 1v1, or settings similar to Strat 1v1
10 of games will be settings inspired by Strat 1v1
10 of games will be Old Strat 1v1, or settings similar to Old Strat 1v1
10 of games will be settings inspired by Old Strat 1v1
10 of games will be games on ME or MME

You will be able to veto 10 of templates, allowing you to not play them. You cannot veto Strat 1v1 nor Old Strat 1v1.

Who can participate?
Anybody who is on Warzone for at least 2 months and has a bearable boot rate.

How many games can I expect?
Less than 25 games, 2 at a time, 3 days + 10 days banked.

How will the competition look like?
Qualification: Everybody starts with N lives (set so everyone has at most ~15 games). Each round, everyone is invited to a round-robin tournament of 3-4 players. The loser of the tournament loses 1 life. In the case of a 1:1:1 result, nobody loses anything. If your life count hits 0, you are eliminated.

Finale: Starts when there are 5 alive players or fewer. Everybody's life count is set to 5 and round-robin tournaments are replaced with regular games. Last man standing wins.

How can I join?
Post on this forum or join discord: https://discord.gg/jSWGRH9j

Which templates exactly will be played?
This is to be determined. So far I have made the following list, but I would welcome if participants came up with their unique ideas too. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gTGHuhBpEaRPyXXwGwcEhzmsyDDUbOice8AWeHqhOAg/edit?usp=sharing

Edited 8/13/2021 02:46:31
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-13 02:10:23

Level 61
What do you think about a Global Warfare with advanced Strategy? Cities and LD some extra cards to really kick things up a notch! 😉


Here's my entry

Edited 8/13/2021 02:11:53
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-13 02:15:12

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Thank you for your contribution, but there will be 50 templates. I don't want to force participants to learn 50 absolutely different settings, they either need to be similar to Strat 1v1, Old Strat 1v1, or simple enough that players can learn them in just a few attempts.

Plus for whatever reason, many people hate airlifts, emergency blockades, and commerce.

Edited 8/13/2021 02:17:23
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-13 02:19:30

Level 61
Then I recommend updating to Pheonixs great improved medium earth.

I tweaked the settings on that Template by the way so it's more user-friendly.

Edited 8/13/2021 02:20:21
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-13 02:52:36

Nice Guy 
Level 62
I made a list of 50 templates, most of which will probably be used in the competition. I would welcome if:
1) you came up with your own unique ideas. Some of the templates I created are rather unoriginal *cough* Dog Fight. Templates have the following prerequisite: need to be similar to Strat 1v1, Old Strat 1v1, or simple enough that players can learn them in just a few games.
2) Playtest and/ or review templates on the list. Templates marked with # need to be playtested. Templates marked with *are probably alright but might use playtesting (not main priority)

Edited 8/13/2021 02:52:49
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-13 03:01:37

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Then I recommend updating to Pheonixs great improved medium earth.

Thanks! I will use his map for SR games but keep the old MME map for WR games (to avoid confusion).
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-14 01:14:07

Level 62
Medium Earth League: 2021-08-17 13:15:57

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Posts 1 - 8 of 8