Master Meldarion
Level 63
Welcome to CL15! As CL14 is wrapping up I've started working on CL15 and I'd like to update you about what has been decided thus far.
For starters: Starting this CL (CL15) Farah will officially be stepping down as Clan League dictator; he will remain part of the panel and may still be the one streaming official clan league things every now and then, but for this Clan League I will be the one in charge, and also the one you should mail with all your questions, problems, substitutions and so on.
Second up: Starting right now (17/08) sign-ups AND template nominations for Clan League 15 are open. The template nominations officially close at 30/09 23:59 CET. Sign-ups will be open until December 15th, which is the deadline for the rosters and line-ups to be in as well.
To sign up: Post a primary AND a secondary contact for your clan either in this thread or in a direct message to me.
To nominate templates: Each clan is allowed to nominate 15 templates at most. It is up to the clan whether it wants those nominations to be 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3; but keep in mind we'll be playing 6 1v1's, 3 2v2's and 2 3v3's. Submitting less templates does not mean the nominations will pull more weight. If you submit more than 15, none of your votes will be counted. Only the primary or secondary contact can send in the nominations, and they can only be send by MAIL. This also means, do NOT send those by discord dm, as they may get lost.
After the deadline closes, the CL panel will help me review the nominations and pick the templates. If need be, some trusted community members will be asked for a perspective on the final templates. The templates will be announced by October 15th at the latest.
After this everyone has time to practice and decide on a line-up. Both the rosters and the line-up have to be submitted to me (Master Meldarion) in direct message by the 15th of December (meaning 14/12 23:59 CET). This gives you all two months to figure it out. The first games will be created on January 1st. The official game creation schedule will be revealed with the sheet at a later point in time, but will follow the same pace as the schedule of Clan League 14.
Lastly, the scorekeepers and panelists have done an amazing job keeping everything together; for which I owe you all a huge amount of thanks. That said, Let's Fight has agreed to keep scorekeeping division A, and JK_3 has agreed to keep scorekeeping division C. Mylo & WeRide prefer to be replaced; should any of you feel called to do so, or have any questions about scorekeeping, send me a discord dm or a warzone mail. The same goes for the CL panel itself. Onoma will be retiring and Farah will be stepping down; Rheumakay and Justin will stay active as panel members, and Cowboy and Farah will be available for questions here and there, with B and Justin also managing the CLOT. As a result I need two more panelists to help with the vital decisions; if you want to know what exactly would be asked of you, should you be interested, or have any questions, let me know through discord or warzone mail.
This should hopefully give you an impression of what is expected of you in the 4.5 months to come; should you have any questions, feel free to also send me a warzone mail or a discord dm.