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Clan: 2021-08-30 16:27:42

Level 61
I am retiring(atleast going to semi active mode rn... will retire officially when all my current games are over.) So i am looking for people who wish to lead/become the manager of a clan. I am looking for managers for Excel(https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=508).

Criteria: Must not be a troll

The current managers are ZiAnsari and Shin, but we would need someone who could take up my spot as a manager....

DM me via discord, or warzone mail if you wish to become a manager.
Clan: 2021-08-30 18:11:50

Level 58
Clan: 2021-08-30 18:25:55

Level 59
Practical advice: before you retire, make your last task to redirect your players to other clans. Last-minute manager transfers for low-profile clans rarely work out and tend to resolve to inactivity or overstretched managers (e.g., JK_3) who become single points of failure. If you want to ensure clan longevity ahead of time, best to build a committee of highly-engaged players (like TSFH or CORP or the elite clans).

I think the right thing to do for your players is to talk to managers of other clans (Harmony? TBA?) and work out a plan to move your players over to those clans. In a way, it undoes some of your work with building the "Excel" brand, but it ensures that the community and engagement and value you created gets to live on and go back to the community in a clean way rather than sporadically, violently, and inefficiently when Excel most likely collapses.

Good luck, but I urge you to seriously consider offloading Excel players onto other clans before you leave.
Clan: 2021-08-30 19:55:29

Level 60
I would like to get my account back once you retire.
Clan: 2021-08-30 20:10:08

Level 62
Question: wouldn't it be more natural to search for people within your own clan?

Because as an outsider I would have little clues about your clan culture.

Plus an insider would be able to keep a continuity of your clan culture.

Also, as a personal opinion, I find it suspicious, if you prefer an outsider over insiders, and apparently would not trust your own clan members.
Which actually puts me off, no matter how good you or your clan members are in this game.

(And yes, this comes from someone of the Two Steps From Harmony clan, I am aware of the irony - thank you.)
Clan: 2021-08-31 04:47:27

Level 61
ty @Krulle and @knyte for your suggestions.... I dont think people of Excel would like to join a big clan(I did try to ge them to join 101st).... They are happy where they are and wish to stay there.... We already have 3 internal managers for different purposes... This forum is meant for clanless people who wish to lead a clan/have a lot of energy to run a clan. If you recall @knyte, you had given me the chance to lead Prime when i was clanless; and wished to lead a clan. Even though i didnt know anything about prime, i did manage to recruit well and make it alive. Am looking for someone who has the same energy as i once had
Clan: 2021-08-31 04:48:38

Level 60
i agree with knyte, any good people that are in excel can join TBA

Edited 8/31/2021 06:58:12
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:05:56

Level 60
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:07:18

Level 62
Thanks for the explanation, Arrow.
Good luck in searching for a successor.
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:26:11

Level 66
Arrow give me your clan please ill put it just behind the kittens clan. Also any of Excels members who want to be Cats PM me, I'll give you fair consideration and if your up to the task ill let you skip kittens membership and enter Cats straight away.

P.S. Arrow don't retire.
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:43:42

Level 61
Sure @kitler you can start recruiting from Excel xD. As for me retiring, i would try to come online once a month or so and play some of your real time tournaments ;) Just not going to commit for MD games
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:44:46

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
Good luck on your journey. I'm sure you'll give your clan in good hands.
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:49:01

Level 61
Yeah currently, many Excel members have volunteered to take care of Excel as they dont want it to die :D So almost all member is a manager in some or the other way as they took up one or the other responsibilities... The current representative of Excel in all events/recruitment/management are:

- ZiAnsari
- Shin
- Alien

So if you guys wantto be a manager/member, then mail any one of them if i dont respond(due to inactivity)
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:50:16

Level 59
please do not mail me as i do not check my mail. thanks
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:50:42

Level 61
Clan: 2021-08-31 08:51:38

Level 60

Edited 8/31/2021 08:51:51
Clan: 2021-09-02 08:55:15

Level 58
a list of warzone players that you should consider putting in charge of excel:

Hot aryan
Clan: 2021-09-02 11:00:48

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
you forgot Gnuffone
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