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Question about ascension: 2021-09-06 12:32:34

Level 22
If I understand correctly you can ascend after finishing Europe Huge.
My question is if you need to ascend instantly after finishing Europe Huge or is it possible to play some more maps and then ascend whenever you feel like it?
Question about ascension: 2021-09-06 12:33:21

Level 59
option b
Question about ascension: 2021-09-06 12:35:24

Level 60
It is possible to play some more maps and then ascend whenever you feel like it
Question about ascension: 2021-09-06 12:37:36

Level 63
You can ascend after completing Europe Huge, but i would recommend completing as much as possible (but not replaying levels you already completed)

If you ascend all the levels get locked again, so I would try to complete as many of the levels i skipped before ascending. On top of that, ascending costs 100 AP now, so the more AP you earn before ascending, the lower the relative costs of ascension is.

Edited 9/6/2021 12:38:18
Question about ascension: 2021-09-06 13:17:49

Level 22
Yeah, I'll definitely play through all the levels before ascending. It will be a nice help to have the 30% ore bonuses (if I make the time limit) and some more advancement upgrades before starting Europe Huge.
Thanks for all your help guys!
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