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List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 09:03:04

Level 63
With the latest version you can claim bonuses by beating levels fast, e.g.

You earned 30% to Copper production by defeating this level in less than 1 day 3 hours!
Your best time is 19 hours
Next victory is worth 26.37 AP

Is there a list of Bonuses I already claimed? Can they be claimed multiple times?

Thank you!
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 09:19:47

Level 62
Can be claimed only once.

And the list can be found in the thread for the last updates.
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 10:23:35

Level 63
I mean my personal list. which ones i already have claimed.
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:29:59

Level 63
You can find them on the Modifiers screen (button is top right of the Armies tab), where it will show you the modifiers for each ore type. If you have completed a bonus, it will show up there.
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:31:12

Level 62
which you can only see if you've invested the AP for statistics (lvl 3 I believe, not sure).

and sorry, I misread. Your question is clear enough.

Edited 9/7/2021 11:31:50
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:31:31

Level 22
If you go to the site where you can see your progress (the one with the small maps) you can click on the maps and if you already gained the bonus it will say: "You earned 30% to Iron production by defeating this level in less than 1 day 7 hours!"
If you haven't earned the reward it will say: "Gain 30% to Iron production by defeating this level in less than 1 day 7 hours!"
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:32:52

Level 62
but that will have to be done lvl by lvl, and not a compiled list of bonuses.
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:34:15

Level 22
Yes, but I don't know any other way to find out 😊
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:37:46

Level 63
which you can only see if you've invested the AP for statistics (lvl 3 I believe, not sure).

Yeah, I was afraid of that but tbh I didnt bother to check. Now that i've checked, it requires Stats lvl 2, so thats 150 AP to unlock (50 for lvl 1, 100 for lvl 2).

If you dont have it unlocked, you will manually have to check it for every level....
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 11:51:02

Level 63
Thank you very much guys! Tbh I actually didn't even notice that I've already **POSTED** "You **earned** 30% ..."

I thought the text just stayed the same! And yes, need statistics to see it, thank you!
List of bonuses claimed from levels: 2021-09-07 16:10:56

Level 30
Even if you have access to the modifiers screen, you can only see if you have a bonus to a particular ore if you have a mine that produces that ore on your current level- so you either need to have unlocked through China on your current ascension and check one by one or be on a level where you're producing every ore and check the modifiers screen.
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