1 - Unable 2 spawns in 1 territory ( this feels to me as the strongest change required for balancing spawns and it is applicable for every single map, I could be wrong but I believe this requires Dev intervention, meaning we as players cannot configure this in the map settings, if I am incorrect, please teach me how to do so :) tyvm )
You should be able to do this yourself, like Dogamer said, by using Random Warlords distribution (which randomly sets 1 start per bonus), unless there are overlapping bonuses on the map.
2 - Few changes in territories generating different bonuses as follows - Qssonoba added to Lusitania being worth 1, Rome added to South Italy to be worth 3, Carthage added to Africa to be worth 2, Hippo Regius removed from Africa and added to Numidia to be worth 1, Saldae removed from Numidia to be added to Tripolis being worth 1, Alexandria Durocorturom and the Islands being worth 0
You can do this yourself using overridden bonuses when creating the game.
3 - Place 2 Auto-Game rooms with 1v1 ( no cards ) and 2v2 format ( gift card only ), as I believe for new players , the city experience is already alot, mixing that with cards would make it too complicated, better leave that for after they already enjoy the game and want to spice it up
Auto-games would require dev (Fizzer) involvement. However, you can create the open games yourself when you want to play them or create and add these templates to Quickmatch to make them more visible and discoverable for new players in the order you suggest.