3 picks random warlords 0% luck weighted. 4 picks is so 2012. Why do you europe players insist that the map is saturated with picks? Why are you against giving players a tiny bit of space, and opportunity to complete some bonuses?
Oh I just realised the answer to my own question. Its because the map itself is homogenous garbage, the only interest comes from bashing your tiny stacks into one another so you might as well get it started from turn 1. Which is also why the luck settings are so important to you.
It's a fair question. Imbalanced coverage is an issue with 3 in warlords: the pick lottery could make 1-2 teammates rather useless, leading to asymmetrical fighting (ie, 2v1s, 3v2s that decide the game). In cities it eliminates the possibility of picking (and safely completing in one turn) bonuses worth 5 and 6 armies (Poland, England, SW Russia, Sweden, etc.). But for autodistribution I think 3-5 picks is best.
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