Humans are dark. It is just "immoral" to show your dark side to other people, so people, in order to survive in society, don't usually do it. It goes even further: many people, who are dark, refuse to admit it. And then are willing to donate considerable sums to charity, not because they want to help other people, but to prove themselves that they are "good". Actually, only a small portion of people are helping others to help others; the wast majority just wants to feel better about themselves.
"Also I shall be happy to accomodate any (reasonable) claims you want to make for (potentially) lost coins in raffles. Just send me a mail and we'll set up a lotto game to compensate you. Irrespective of whether or not you already got some coins from Mr. righteous avenger. ;-)"
I am certain everbody interested has noticed this thread in the past 2 days.
Since I have received no requests for "coinpensation" - except from l4v.rov for 4 coins, whom I consciously ignore. I therefore close and terminate my offer close now. Will start a new thread soon - probably on Tuesday - with a new proposal from to re-distribute coins I gained via double raffling. Hope it will be more to your liking.
As Discussion here has been "more than extensive" already, I will not add anything more and not respond to any further postings in this thread.